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A reader of this site sent in the polaroids below.I'm not sure what they were hoping to gain by sending me these but it only really leads to one question. What crazy person let's their eight year old son run around a parking lot in their grandmother's old summer dress? Perhaps an attention crazed whore who dates a naughty Englishman. Hmmmm............ I feel like I'm looking at someone's slideshow of their trip to the county fair.....in the 70's.
Don't be shocked by this but the latest edition of "The Bachelor" is officially crap. Travis Stork and Sarah Stone had already announced their split. Yawn. So are we going to give this shit up already? Can the next "Bachelor" be a bear or tiger? Then if they don't like the bachelorettes they can just eat them. At this point it would be way more entertaining. Don't mind my erection.
Nick Lachey is not dating the whore from Laguna Beach contrary to popular belief. I believe though that he is fucking that whore from Laguna Beach. Have I cleared up the confusion? Oh I'll handle you with care.......naked in my shower.
Just in case you were missing Baywatch, Night Rider, or whatever crappy Lifetime Original Series he's been in.......here's your triple dose of the Hoff.
City Rag has the new Paris Hilton. I Don't Like You in That Way has proof that Naomi Watts is a fisherman. Gossip or Truth shows some Oscar face. Egotastic says that Avril Lavinge is a model. Yeah and I'm an axe murderer.........okay maybe I am. I see that Shar Jackson hasn't been able to get farm animals out of her system since K-Fed dumped her for Britney.
Attack of the be-ddazzler. Brad and Angie aren't here right? Hi Mom. I wore a really ugly dress to the Oscars Ahhhh pocket flaps so your hands don't get tired. Well somebody hasn't eaten all week......mmm....maybe all month.
The Oscars were a little less glam and a bit more tucked this year. Here are a few of those that hit up the doctor before they stepped out. J.Lo wasn't available to attend the awards show so Marc Anthony bought along her wax statue. Those boobs should win an award for holding up after all these years. Eye see you.......or maybe you don't. That statue is rock hard. I don't think doctor 90210 can even fix her.
Fell asleep during this year's Oscars? Here is a list of the wieners. George Clooney- the hot wiener. The Weisz Wiener-Snitzel The wiener you going to get a hair cut? Awww.....the only wiener who's not a wiener. I love Reese.
Judging from the pictures below, Lohan seems to have some sort of problem with her finger. I'm not sure if it's some sort of strange disease she's been afflicted with or that she's suffered from some type of permanent damage or something. Maybe it's the sickness she gets when she hangs out with her old friends..........you know that people that actually liked her before she was famous. Maybe it's time for another trip to the hospital. Hopefully she'll use her punch card. Two more visits and her next one's free.Regardless of the situation, we want to wish Lohan and her finger a message of get well soon. Stop or Lohan's finger will shoot. Thanks to I Don't Like you in that Way for the pics and well still liking us in that way.