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I Don't Like you in That Way says that Demi and Ashton are having kids. Dlisted has pictures of Sharon Stone being attacked by something furry. CityRag thinks that the Osbournes are looking very plastic. Yeeeah shows beautiful Scarlett Johansson looking pretty ugly. Rod Stewart wears thongs?
I find this story to be totally humorous. Nick Lachey and Laguna Beach Star, Kristin Cavallari, were seen having a drink at Stanley's in Sherman Oaks, California. The duo are reportedly "just getting to know each other" says a few friends of the pair........and by getting to know each other, I think that means having a quick drink and then getting down to the sex part. Does this mean they'll get their own reality show? No, let's talk about your obnoxious make-up from the 80's. She stole it straight out of my caboodle. Are you going to take my crimping iron next?
Some famous chick I've never heard of, Keisha Buchanan, claims that Kevin Federline scoped her out at a club recently.Buchanan claims Spears doesn't seem to understand that Federline is checking out girls galore right in front of her. She says, "Kevin gave me a 'look', and Britney just grabbed his arm and pulled him in close to her. "He is probably all over loads of girls and if we can see it, why can't she?I'm sure Britney realizes that Kevin is checking out girls right in front of her but at this point that's the least of her problems. Although Federline appears to have some sort of magical sperm, making gaga eyes at girls won't get them pregnant. At least we don't think it will, right? When he's not smoking pot or spending Britney's money, K-Fed likes to pretend he's Miami Vice.
Sienna Miller likes her booze but hey... don't all of us. The actress recently got a little tipsy at a charity bash for terminally ill children and rolled around on the floor in front of a watching crowd . “She’d obviously had a few drinks and was all over the place but didn't seem to care who was watching,” the Mirror quoted the source, as saying. So correct me if I'm wrong but I believe this is the first story about Sienna in the last six months that didn't involve Jude Law or her attacking the paparazzi. At this point she could roll around naked on the floor in front of children and fondle the DJ and it's still better then a story about her humping Jude or going nuts on a cameraman. Perhaps she wasn't drunk and just sniffed a lot of highlighters.