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I really haven't written much about this whole Denise Richards scandal. It pretty much goes hand in hand with why I don't write about farm animals on this blog.I just don't do it. Do you really want to hear about farm animals? No I didn't think so .Anyhow.....Denise was dumped by rocker has-been Richie Sambora after only one week of fucking.Too bad so sad hoebag. At least she's teaching her daughter how to walk before she teaches her how to be a hoe.
I just love the duty free shops on cruises and at airports. Perfume, alcohol, purses, cigars......and the stuffed tigers! Don't forget about the stuffed tigers!
Jossip is awesome because I said so. Drunken Stepfather smells like a Supermodel. Glitterati examines celebity body language. Go Fug Yourself likes Fergie???? Nick gave her that dress...after their honeymoon.
Oh christ........Bitch is pregnant fo' real and fo' sure. I can't upload pictures right now so I've go nothing for you. Who the hell wants to see a picture of that bitch anyways.
Lionel Richie says that it is all his fault why his daughter Nicole does not eat. Richie says that his daughter is stressed over his divorce. Yeah I'm sure Nicole is reeaall concerned with your divorce since it might effect the number of Prada bags she's allowed to buy in one year. Does Mary Kate know you stole her look?
Here is some links to my favorite blogs in high hopes that they link my ass back. Dlisted likes the wax version of Celine Dion much better. Cityrag loves Katie Holmes's nursing bra. Hollywood Tuna likes to pluck Jennifer Lopez's grey hairs. Egotastic says that Lohan thinks she actually works. I don't like you in that way thinks Jessica Simpson's new hair sucks. Just Jaredsays that Kirsten Dunst is blue. That's your hairdresser behind you, correct? What are you paying him to do? Floss your teeth?
Congrats to Ashlee Simpson for getting some great plastic surgery on her nose.Now go get some surgery on your vocal cords. It's so cool that Ashlee joined an 80's cover band.
Aaron Spelling must be having a coronary. Tori Spelling got married over the weekend for a second time. It's pretty doubtful that she bothered to get a pre-nup since "she's so in love" and "Oh they're just made for each other". Hey Tori...just because this dude tattooed your naked body all over his entire right arm does not give you any type of relationship security. Shit..you're Tori Spelling. People don't marry you for your winning personality. It's called a bank account.A large bank account with lots of money. Sweet. You married a dude that knows how to grow grass.