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"It's harder having a boyfriend who's older because people just assume. But (virginity) is definitely something I like about myself. It doesn't mean I haven't thought about sex, because everyone I know has had it and you want to fit in." So the condom is just for water balloons right?
Paris Hilton apparently loves the single life. "I always have a boyfriend all the time, so I've never really got to know me and, like, have time for myself because I spend all my energy on the boyfriend," said Hilton."I'm a very strong woman. I don't need a man. I can be on my own," Hilton adds. I pretty sure that what Paris means by "single" actually means "single" sex partner......as in having one "single" sex partner in a night as opposed to five, ten or maybe a hundred. Paris Hilton without a boyfriend is like Lindsay Lohan without mirror and a rolled up dollar bill in her pocket. Here's a picture of Paris last Saturday being "single".
It's nice to see my ex-favorite couple are moving on with their lives. Jessica is eating up some Lohan leftovers while Nick is banging that MTV whore. These relationships will last about five minutes. I wonder if Daddy approves of this one. Her boobs might not be as big as Jessica's but I have a feeling her brains bigger.
Hollywood Tuna says that people rather eat dinner with Condi Rice over Jennifer Aniston. Maybe because Condelezza actually eats. The Bastardly remembers when Angelina Jolie was a drunk whore. Cityrag says Lindsay Lohan can't afford manicures. I don't like you in that way says Toni Braxton has sweet tits. Egotastic has dirt on the Hilton/Lohan brawl. Could somebody please send this bitch a normal outfit? The shiny life-size arm sling isn't doing it for me.
This look comes to you from the women who whines constantly about doing what's best for her kids....because dressing like a whore is an awesome way to get your children new play dates.
Britney Spears opens up to Matt Lauer regarding her personal life in an interview set to air on Dateline NBC this Thursday. Spears drew waves of criticism earlier this year when she was photographed with her infant son sitting on her lap as she drove. Spears warns people to stop judging her. "I did it with my dad. I'd sit on his lap and I drive," the Louisiana native said. "We're country." Oh lordy...here we go. Yeah Britney....... you don't exactly hear people saying "My family runs around shooting people like the Soprano's because hey....we're Italian". Oh well....at least she admits she's a hillbilly. He's probably blowing smoke in her ear to see if she gets a buzz. Hell no this picture isn't recent. Remember the two haven't been photographed together for 74 days but who's counting right....
I don't like you in that way thinks you should let Paris Hilton be your chauffeur. Popsugar thinks Jen Aniston might be having her own baby Shiloh. Dlisted would like Victoria Beckham to phone home. The Bastardly says that Melissa Joan Hart is not a MILF Cityrag says that celebrities love their weed. Glitterati says Lohan doesn't want to discuss her love life Hey moody......who pissed in your Red Bull?