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Are these picture below fugtastic or what?Honey I'm just not feeling the outfit. Perhaps she's stolen some type of Navajo towel from a museum or her grandma sent her something from her trip to Boswana. Some poor innocent first-grader is about to run up to her and say" Hey Miss Miller....Can I get my art smock back?"
Nick Lachey reveals all to Rolling Stone this month regarding his divorce and life without Miss Simpson.Amongst many great quotes in the article, here are a few of the best: "I'll tell you how I knew my marriage was over," he continues flatly, tugging at his black T-shirt. "I was told." "Adam and I were in a club not long ago and he came over to me to clear the air," says Lachey. "It was a two-minute conversation. He said to me: 'Nothing happened while you guys were married.' He looked me in the eyes and said that, so I chose to believe him. I also choose to believe that Jessica wasn't screwing her father during their marriage but unfortunately that makes me a dumb ass. I like how Adam says "while you guys were married"........as in "Yeah I definitely fucked her the day after you two split. What's left of you is your hot body and quite possibly your sanity. Sounds good to me.
Here are some random ass pictures from this week that I couldn't find any use for. Eva just freaking adores her fans. Male capris?...... And to think people say that Jude is gay. Gosh I can't wait till the little one becomes as trashy as her older sister. You'd smile too if you were banging her. Paris sucks.
I was totally wondering who was going to end up with my bikini that I donated to Goodwill six years ago. Now I can rest assure that it's in good hands with Scarlett Johansson.
Katie Holmes has given birthto a little UFO named Suri. Suri means "princess" in Hebrew and "my parents are nuts" in English. Congrats to those freaks. Ohh look........ she gave birth to a boot.
It's not so often that you find pictures over the internet of Lindsay Lohan looking like a hung-over cat. Below you'll find precisely that. I know it's real cold and snowy this time of year in New York, but is the wooly cap really necessary? Lohan got 9 lives and 9 different sex partners this week.
I'm a little late on posting these pictures of Mischa Barton so don't kill me. I don't normally discuss Mischa on this blog for the same reason I don't talk about cleaning my toilet but I figured I should give her a fair shot. She is a star you know......but definitely not to be confused with the term "star fucker" because Mischa tends to like to fuck homely unknowns. Guess that means you all might have a chance Lock your windows at night....Mischa might come and steal them. She looks like she'd be a total animal in bed....not the type of girl that just lays there or anything.
I'm really not sure why Stavros Niarchos is wearing sunglasses inside the Staples Center.Perhaps to shade himself from his girlfriend's freshly spray-tanned body or because he's heard that it's a instant cure for herpes. Either way I don't think that it's the best way to watch a Lakers gamebut I doubt they're watching the game anyhow. What do Greeks and sluts know about basketball? A herpe-coated hickey. Now that's service.
City Rag almost made me lose my dinner after looking at these pics of Teri Hatcher. I don't like you in that way thinks Fergie might spawn a beast. D-Listed thinks the Pussycat dolls are photoshopped. Egotastic says that Lindsay Lohan ruined SNL. Duh. Popsugar wants you to come watch Scarlett and Josh fondle each other. I am almost horny over Papa Joe's nasty gut in a Ed Hardy tee.
Sorry for the infrequent posts over the last few days as I was on vacation.Here are a few snapshots of my favorite anorexic La Lohan. Is the half eaten piece of bread for show?