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I'm not really sure what's going on in this picture but Kate Bosworth appears to be having some type of problem with her chest. The strange concave look of it leads me to believe that it's just not normal. She should probably go see a doctor about it but I pretty sure that the cure lies somewhere in between the answer of eating a bucket of fried chicken and a pound of chocolate.
If you thought that Lindsay Lohan was a hard partying drunk, now you have proof. James G. Robinson, the CEO of Morgan Productions, has sent Lohan a stern warning regarding her unprofessional behavior on the set of her new movie Georgia Rule. People magazine confirms this with a copy of the letter that was sent to Lindsay by Robinson. At this point there should be some type of drinking game where you have to do a shot for every time Lohan gets admitted to a hospital or gets scolded for partying. Everyone's heads would be in a toilet after about 20 minutes. Here's a picture from a few days ago of Lohan's bruised ass. She's so modest.
I get that I'm kinda late posting this tidbit but it's been that kind of week. Lindsay Lohan was hospitalized today for heat exhaustion and dehydration. I hope this bitch has a punch card for a free visit at the hospital since she seems to be a regular.It's amazing how people with terminal cancer seem to spend less time in a hospital then Lohan. C'mon people...all you can do is stare at her? Somebody at least throw a banana at her.
This is kind of a normal picture so I really don't have much to say except that her damn boyfriend needs to get in the kitchen and make my ass a steak.