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Nicole Richie is writing her first novel about her past struggle with drugs. Maybe it will explain why she doesn't eat anything. Do these sunglasses make me look fat?
Apprentice Star Omarosa and her husband have split. The reality vixen is claiming that it is her fault because she has been busy in L.A. working on her T.V. career. I think the split is because your a bitch Omarosa, but whatever you think is fine. No comment....I'm stumped
Jack Osbourne has Kim Stewart's old implants framed on his wall. Stewart had the implants taken out due to health fears. Right Kim.........health fears. Last I checked your bosom buddy Paris didn't have them so ofcourse you don't need them either. Jack doesn't really use the toliet paper.......just the tube.
Thank goodness that Brooke Burke's husband is a plastic surgeon because the shit she's had done ain't cheap. Burke and rocker Dave Navarro, host the CBS reality show- Rock Star-Inxs, in an effort to find the hit 80's band a new lead singer. Summer reality shows are so damn original. Don't hold up your lighter. Plastic melts.
Mischa Barton and her socialite boyfriend, Brandon Davis have split. Thats it...who cares....they were never exciting. She can date all the playboys she wants now. The end. These boots are made for walking webhost
Mariah Carey's boobs popped out at a concert in Germany. Concert workers flipped the light switch to stop any unwanted photo ops. Nice try but Mariah likes getting her picture taken with her boobs hanging out. The Boob Fairy is Here!!!!
Brad Pitt has been put into the hospital with flu-like illness. Calm down on the vacations with Angelina and once you get better you can teach Maddox how to swim. Couldn't you at least try to run to the toilet?
Kirstie Alley is speaking out in support of Tom Cruise's outcry on harmful psychiatric drugs. She claims that the FDA needs to crack down because drugs like Ritalin are highly addictive. Kirstie, everything is addictive- food, old cheers episodes, but not Fat Actress. Wasteof my time and yours. Have you tried Lindsay Lohan's ritalin and cigarette diet?
There is yet again a new reality show on FOX. This one features Bruce Jenner's kids as spoiled do-nothings that live with their Mom and Grammy Award winning Stepdad, David Foster. It's pretty much the Simple Life only you don't have to hear "That's Hot" over and over again. Not going to win any Olympic Medals for laying on the car.
Britney Spears would like to start designing maternity clothes. She thinks stores sell nasty maternity-wear and refuses to buy them. Britney, what have you been wearing then? No Britney....Kevin has the golden ticket.....and the Ferrari..and the motorcycle...
The teen terror is at it again. Ms. Lohan was boozing at a local St. Paul, MN restaurant where she is on location for a movie. Someone should let Lindsay know that table dancing is illegal in the Midwest. A diet of cigarettes and ritalin never did any harm.
Hulk Hogan is following the has-been norm and getting his own reality show on VH1. The Hulk is apparently obsessed with his own daughter and follows her around on dates. Overall, the showed has been reviewed as boring and unentertaining. Guess we will have to keep watching Being Bobby Brown. Bleach, shades and spandex.