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These are all the pictures that I found this week that I had absolutely no use for. George Clooney prepares himself for any unwanted attacks on the red carpet. Hmm....Brad Pitt got old quick. ...and to think they would pick Colin Farrell for their threesome. Jake explains his love scenes with Heath in their upcoming moving. Total brain cell count in this picture-3 Man my grandma dresses better than her.
A British tabloid is showing detailed pictures of Kate Moss doing drugs. Moss has no comment on this so far......because she's sucks and is a druggie. Gee, ya think??
Renee Zellweger and Kenny Chesney are getting a divorce. I think this one is pretty self-explanatory- he's gay and she wishes she had married Jack White. You had me at hell no
If any of you wonder what a phone call between Sienna and Jude is like, then you need to click on the link above. LA at Junk Feud has absolutely outdone herself. LA- it's time to quit your day job and get a late night talk show. Trying to be Lohan is easy for Sienna-just stop eating.
Feel free to give Paris Hilton your digits, because her cell phone hacker got sent to the bighouse.The seventeen year old boy was sentenced to 11 month's in a juvenile detention center.So in a year when he gets out, can he hack Nicole Richie's phone for us? Paris has replaced Paris2 for Naomi Campbell but only for the discount on narcotics.
The birth of Britney Spears' baby proved to quiet many rumors. First, despite popular belief, those extra 51 pounds only turned out to be one baby. Secondly, I had said the baby's name would be Pes, standing for Preston Earl Spears, however Britney was able to top me. Try PMS for little Preston Michael Spears. Nice...... when he gets moody he has an excuse. The haircut even a mother can't love.
Kelly Osbourne says that staring in "The Osbournes" on MTV, was total hell. Kelly hated the fact that the show made her one of the most popular teeenagers in America. Did you also hate the fact that it made you richer and got you a record deal? Why should Kelly Osbourne diet when she could have her very own personal "Lohan" to hang out with her and tell her not to eat.
Looks like M-K Olsen is a college dropout. Sources say she will not be returning to NYU or New York for the fall season. Instead Mary Kate will continue to hang out with her 8ft tall boy toy, smoke cigarettes, and eat lettuce. Last I checked it was about 80 degrees in New York, but Ashley always has to cover up the bones.
Britney Spears still hasn't had Baby Preston Earl Spears aka Pes. They are going to have to cut that thing out of her stomach. Britney sends Kevin to the store with a grocery list. Can you guess what's on it?
You know how at Christmas your stockings are hung by the chimney? Well this year your not getting any because Sienna Miller stole them all and turned them into shoes.
Enterprise, Thrifty, Avis, Hertz. These are the words that Brad Pitt and George Clooney have never heard of before since they had no idea that you could rent a car if you ever needed one. When the dense duo's flight from Syracuse to New York was canceled, they paid some kid $1000 to drive them to their destination. Just because they make alot of money doesn't mean they went to Harvard. Hot Guys but Dumb Asses
Carey Hart is in the "Celebs I Actually Like" club. I hate his girlfriend though. So when they get married is she going to go by Pink Hart? Stupid Whore.
These celebrity gossip shows are just killing me. Without their gripping knowledge, I would know absolutely nothing about celebrities. Some cheap talk show in London is naming Victoria Beckham as the most pointless celebrity. But then what's Paris Hilton? Pondering getting more plastic surgery for Posh, is like me pondering whether or not to pee in the morning.
A Day in the Life of Lohan- The Restaurant Edition
Brace yourselves because this one is a shocker for sure. Your "Day in the Life of Lindsay" update, is not her shopping, leaving a bar, or on a date. It's Hohan at a RESTAURANT! She eats but don't get too excited cuz it will come back up later.....looks like a piece of lettuce anyhow. Red red wineeeeeee...it's up to youuuuuuu.......all I can dooooo......... Man...after all that food, I need a smoke. I got to moisten my lips for when I puke. At least we know she's not one of those kids that's going to eat the buger. White wine with a straw. Damn...I gotta have another smoke.
Did she or didn't she? Britney Spears may or may not have given birth to little Vegas London Preston Charlie Federline.No one is confirming or denying the report.Either way when she goes into labor, that baby is going out faster then a fat kid in dodgeball. He's just happy that Britney's out of the house for a couple days. KKKeVVViNNNN!!!!!!
Page Six reported even more mind blowing news this weekend- Clay Aiken phones gay men. I am in total shock right now. I mean I thought he liked me when we met at that Cher concert. Damn it! All the good ones are gay. You have either got to be blind or deaf not to know.
Scarlett Johansson wants all those young Hollywood whores to start eating. The actress says that there is too much pressure to be skinny in Hollywood and that sherefuses to let herself become as thin as the rest of them.But you'll keep blowing drugs, right? Scarlett practices the art of white trash
Jake Gyllenhaal was at first hesitant to sign on to play a gay cowboy in the movieBrokeback Mountain. Gyllenhaal overcame his fear and even performs a love scene with Heath Ledger in the flick. I can't decide if I'm excited about this or not. and then I told Kirsten "Oh yeah...that's not even MY baby!" "Ahh..Jake your so funny!"
Once again, this weekend brought in many new members to Lindsay Lohan's "Just Eat Two" club. Since LA over at Junk Feud loves this campaign so much, it was only fair that I steal her collage of Lohan promoting her "Eat Two" club. New readers won't understand any of this shit but whatever, thats what archives are for. Just two things a day keeps the fat monster away. Make that a double two for Brigitte.Must be a European thing. Matt, I thought you didn't buy in this Hollywood crap. Maybe not right now but after she has that kid she'll have to start eating just two. To fit into that outfit you should have joined a long time ago sister. Yeah, Jen's got nothing better to do so why not join.