Disclaimer: The contents that you read on this site are pure rumors and speculation. Nothing on this site should be perceived to be actual news. All images used on this site are taken from the web. If you own rights to any of the images, and do not wish them to appear on this site, please contact us via e-mail and they will be promptly removed.
Hi. My name's Jessica and I'll be showing you to your table. Tonight's specials are the three bean burrito with a side of chips and salsa and the chi chi taco topped with guacamole. Can I get you a margarita while you wait for your server?
Cityrag reveals Ashton Kutcher's failures. Egotastic almost went to Paris Hilton's funeral. IDLYITW wants you to try getting an erection from pictures of Kimmie Stew Dlisted shows us how Kathie Hilton is just like her daughter. Derek Hail likes Tom Cruise and Prostitutes. Seacrest is asking her if she wants to split a tanning package with him this month.
Hollywood never has any problems getting over their divorces. Why would they when there are so many hot horny divorcee' waiting to hook-up. The below picture shows us a perfect example. Please try to choke back your vomit. Nothing like boogeing down to Livin' on a Prayer.
"My rap career is hot. I like to smoke the pot. For those who say it's not. I'll make you eat your snot. Yeah homeboy yeah homeboy yeah homeboy yeaaaahhh." Okay I don't really know if these are the words that he was singing but it's a fair guess that I'm probably somewhat close.If any of my dear readers happened to have attended this lovely event, then let me know what the correct words are so I can make the necessary corrections.........because I'm sure the pot lyric is totally wrong. C'mon C'mon dooooo the locamotion. So c'mon c'mon dooooo the locamotion with me. I like big butts and I cannot lie...you other brothers can't deny. Oh...and it was a classy event too.