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Hollywood never has any problems getting over their divorces. Why would they when there are so many hot horny divorcee' waiting to hook-up. The below picture shows us a perfect example. Please try to choke back your vomit. Nothing like boogeing down to Livin' on a Prayer.
I read a few months back about Heather and Denise were leaning on each other to get through their divorces. Guess Denise was leaning more on Heather's husband......
Denise and Richie are the "innocent parties" in these divorces. Denise was treated badly by Charlie and still tried to make the marriage work. Richie seemed to be surprised when Heather dumped him out of the blue. If you want to be mad at anyone, be mad at Charlie and Heather.
She is such a creep! I never liked this bitch! On Charlie's show she kissed Charlie, and sent him away and she kissed special guest star Heather Locklear!!
Charlie Sheen is no saint, that is true, but, Denise R. is a loony-tune as it is. Charlie gave up a lot to be with his family, too bad Denise had to needlessly keep him on such a short leash; I already knew she was interested in another man when she decided to continue with the divorce proceedings; the restraining order was just a ploy to keep Charlie from finding out who she was screwing around with right away!
Some supposed ''best friend'' she is! Hopping into bed with your ''best friend's'' soon to be ex-husband is extremely shady. If I were Heather, I'd have to wonder just how long this has been going on. You don't just suddenly develop feelings, for someone you've known for years. Plus, how confusing will this be, to Heather's daughter? Denise's kids are still babies, but Heather and Richie's little girl is 8 or 9.
I thought Locklear was her friend???? Guess not now!