Disclaimer: The contents that you read on this site are pure rumors and speculation. Nothing on this site should be perceived to be actual news. All images used on this site are taken from the web. If you own rights to any of the images, and do not wish them to appear on this site, please contact us via e-mail and they will be promptly removed.
M-K likes to jump on trampolines with her Greek shipping heir boyfriend. Her boyfriend looks like he needs to take a bath. Ahhhh....to be in love with a young Richard Simmons.
Nicole Kidman will not be attending the TOMKAT wedding despite rumors that Tom wants her to be there.Glad to know she thinks this "publicity stunt" is just as crazy as we do. Just be happy your not married to that lunatic anymore
Someone started a petition to get Lindsay Lohan to eat something and it has now evolved into a website. Fans are expressing their concern about the thin actress. Fans should be more concerned about her lousy acting ability. Trimspa's newest sponser
Okay no but she passed out from the heat on the set of her new movie. I think its fair to say she also passed out because Brad Pitt and Angelina piss her off.
Christian groups are mad at Jessica Simpson for acting like stripper in her new video. Nick Lachey is just mad that the bitch slept with Bam Magera. Elvira meets Zsa Zsa Gabor with a little bit of Posh Spice mixed in.
Kate Moss and her gross fiance' got in a screaming match where he accused her of getting back together with her babies daddy. This caused him to miss the Oasis concert, where his band Babyshambles was scheduled to be the opening act. Do people still go to Oasis concerts? Models enjoy taking out the trash.
Demi Moore denies any pregnancy rumors. However, some guy whose seen a bunch of pregnant women before swears she is because he KNOWS what pregnant women look like. Always trust men who KNOW. Probably wasn't pregnant in this pic.
Paris Hilton is embarassed by her own antics at the Live 8 concert and is promising to learn more about poverty. She will not shop for one whole day. On her way to being America's first royal.
Kelly Preston is speaking out in support of Tom Cruise's recent antics. John Travolta is speaking out against Preston ever having kids again. Drugs are bad. Implants are not.
Lindsay is denying reports that she encouraged a guy to jump off a balcony into a hotel pool. At the time, she thought he was Wilmer Valderrama. I ate two things all week.
TomKat is getting married next month in the Scientology center in L.A. For their honeymoon, they are boarding a spaceship to visit the planet Mars. Star Jones knows all about fake relationships.
Paris Hilton got beat up by her fiancee's ex. People are fighting over this guy? And why does Kim Stewart look like she's at a roller derby? Big Bird's old dress.