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Dlisted says Angelina is losing it. Perez Hilton knows where you can find baby Suri Cityrag thinks that Lindsay Lohan is not an adult. In Case You Didn't Know has nasty pics of Pink. Egotastic says that Paris Hilton is jealous of Supermodels. I don't like you in that way likes armpit hair. Proving that snorting ritalin in the afternoon isn't always the best idea.
Keira Knightly is speaking out after accusations that the star is anorexic. Although Keira admits that almost everyone in her family except the cat suffers from the disease, Knightly assured fans that she doesn't have an eating disorder. "I've got a lot of experience with anorexia -- my grandmother and great-grandmother suffered from it, and I had a lot of friends at school who suffered from it, so I know it's not something to be taken lightly and I don't. "But I don't have it, I am very sure of that." I have no idea why people think Keira is anorexic. The concave chest and protruding bones don't exactlyscream anorexic to me but then again I'm blind and slightly delirious. It's a good thing she's got that brown piece of shit around her neck so people don't confuse her for an ironing board.