Disclaimer: The contents that you read on this site are pure rumors and speculation. Nothing on this site should be perceived to be actual news. All images used on this site are taken from the web. If you own rights to any of the images, and do not wish them to appear on this site, please contact us via e-mail and they will be promptly removed.
It's not always the smartest idea to hang out with your best friend's ex-fiance five minutes after the split.... but then again the words smart" and "Lindsay Lohan" don't typically go in the same sentence. Apparently Lohan forgot to consult Ask Jeeves before she left her house for the nightand ending up snuggling up to DJ AM at some Hollywood schmooze-a-thon party. Poor Nicole. I've never seen an anorexic with a gun before but I'm looking forward to it.
"Quick over here Lindsay....this way to the coke dealer.....umm machine," shouted friend Hohan. Seriously. Who's this skeeze? Clearly Lohan is running out of friends.
Giggling over how many sex partners they've shared?
*Note:The objective of the game over here at "The People We Love to Hate" is not to post the most current photos, rather the best. So what if this picture is two minutes old. I liked it. I liked it.
Cityrag thinks Teri Hatcher like the taste of wine. I don't like you in that way thinks Lindsay Lohan is unlucky. Dlisted has video footage of our favorite anorexics.....in a supermarket. The Superficial shows a transformed Tara Reid. Purpleolf thinks there was a gun involved in Tori Spelling's wedding. Perhaps a shotgun. They tell me that this is a shot of Britney Spears. I find it hard to believe. Isn't the kid normally on her lap?