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Giggling over how many sex partners they've shared?
*Note:The objective of the game over here at "The People We Love to Hate" is not to post the most current photos, rather the best. So what if this picture is two minutes old. I liked it. I liked it.
seriously I can't beleive he said that. in case you all haven't seen the video he says lohan is only worth 7 million so she's poor. he needs to wake up. is he making any money of his own? i doubt that. all that sick fuck does is lay around and smoke cigarettes.
He doesn't make his own money. He lives off his parents money like all the other no talent rich kids. He also said something racial against Wilmer Valderomma like "Isn't he in a mariachi band". I wish I had seven thousand dollars right now. But that troll thinks having seven million dollars is poor. Lindsay Lohan is a pig but at least she worked to get where she is now. I hate rich kids.
oooo! I wouldn't want to be Brandon Davis in the very near future. He's got some BAD slammin'karma comin' his way. Boy will be down and out, if not dead.
Parisite: " Oh my gawd, I so gave Nachos the crabs..it was wicked funny..."
Hohan:" No fuckin way....THAT'S where I got those damn things again????"
Manic laughter by both follows....