Disclaimer: The contents that you read on this site are pure rumors and speculation. Nothing on this site should be perceived to be actual news. All images used on this site are taken from the web. If you own rights to any of the images, and do not wish them to appear on this site, please contact us via e-mail and they will be promptly removed.
Cityrag thinks Jennifer Garner is pregnant again. Cat.lebrity has found Suri Cruise. Gossip or Truth thinks Britney Spears is a copy cat. Egotastic says that Keira Knightly is admitting she has no tits. and check out D-listed where I am guest blogging this week while Michael K is on vacation. Why the annoyed face Paris? She must have just finished listening to her own song.
Britney Spears is blaming her bad looks on being pregnant. The pop princess says that maintaining your beauty is very difficult when carrying a child. "Wherever you go, they expect you to look a certain way. I'm not supposed to be this big huge pregnant superstar," says Spears. Sweetie, we don't expect you to look like a superstar but last I checked a comb and a bottle of hairspray weren't that expensive. Do Rave and Wet Seal sell maternity clothes now? I know this picture is old but then again so is the crust in her underwear.
I'm sure most of you have already seen this picture as it was posted on every blog known to man today. Just in case I'm the only shitty blog you read, below you'll find a pic of Lindsay Blohan "acting" in some new movie. You think that guy would have a better look on his face given the circumstance but the cross between panicked fear and constipation leads me to believe that Lohan's got one mean cold sore on her mouth. C'mon dude.... smile a little.
Though this shit doesn't start for another month, VH1 is heavily promoting season 2 of "Flavor of Love". The skank this year looks even worse then last time. What time is it Flav? Oh yeah...STD time. Thanks to someone at VH1 for mailing me this shit.
Just in case you were wondering what your favorite G-list celebrity was up to........... Denise Richards: Still a slut. K-Fed still recognizes his own kids............eh nevermind someone probably told him that one was his. Brigette Nielson moved on to her tenth marriage. Jennifer Love loves McDonalds...hates Burger King...the King fucked her over for Brooke Burke. Yup still a slut.
Readers have sent me several emails asking me to identify the celebrities that are in the pictures I post because sometimes it's hard to tell who is who. That's a great idea so here goes: Below you'll find a shot of Lindsay Lohan and her new fling Harry Morton..as in "my grandpa owns that place that serves $100 steaks" Morton "but hey I'm actually an entrepreneur because I own some joint called the Pink Taco funded of course by gramps"....and "hey look I don't even need to actually be their to run the restaurant...I just have someone else do that" because "hey I'm dating Lindsay Lohan and she gives great blow jobs". So there you have it, clear cut identification of a celebrity and her Z-list celeb hookup. Sorry for the rambling mess.....long day at work yesterday....long day........ Shouldn't he be behind her?
You know what they say about girls with big hands right........? You mean you don't know? Fuck I don't know what they say either. Her hands just look like massive goobers in the picture and I think it's fucking hilarious. What up man hands.
Apparently today is beat on Lindsay Lohan day hence the thirty-six posts I've written about her. This slut needs to stop practicing her sex positions in public.