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Britney Spears is blaming her bad looks on being pregnant. The pop princess says that maintaining your beauty is very difficult when carrying a child. "Wherever you go, they expect you to look a certain way. I'm not supposed to be this big huge pregnant superstar," says Spears. Sweetie, we don't expect you to look like a superstar but last I checked a comb and a bottle of hairspray weren't that expensive. Do Rave and Wet Seal sell maternity clothes now? I know this picture is old but then again so is the crust in her underwear.
This whole thing is total bullshit. She always had a crew of 27 people around making sure she looked perfect all the time...where are they now..did she sell them into slave labor to fund K fed's studio time or something? I think she knows that the only way to keep people interested in her is to be a train wreck. If she didn't keep this hillbilly shit up she would just fade away into obscurity like any other flash in the pan pop princess
brits sister, in the background looks really pretty. looks like her sister when she was younger. i hope she stays the same so we can see how brit would look if she never crashed.
Britney looks better as a blonde. The dark hair makes her look older.