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Brad Pitt's parents are warning Brad to end his relationship with Angelina Jolie. His parents feel that Jolie has had too many bad marriages. Angelina is upset because she thought Pitt's parents liked her.Right.....because you used to keep Billy Bob's blood in a vile around your neck and you think his parents are going to want you to marry their son? Think again bitch. Forget Brangelina....it's the Pittolie's.
Lohan grabs Hollywood by storm and the Just Eat Two club continues.............. I ate two things today and feel great! Let's go clubbing! In a desparate attempt to be young again, Sharon Stone adopts the "Just Eat Two" system. The offical "Just Eat Two" Slut. Kayne says "Screw it", I'll eat five things. Foshizzle Eat Two Lohizzle Paula's starting the "just eat one" club. Old dudes like Santana should eat more then two things.
Sharon Osbourne recently cut the power while the band Iron Maiden, was performing at Ozzfest. Osbourne was mad at Maiden's lead vocalist for being rude and talking disrespectfully about her. Hmmm....where do you think he learned it from? Even lesbians don't want to kiss Sharon Osbourne.
Jennifer Lopez went to Puerto Rico to record a Reggaeton song with Pharrell Williams. Reggaeton is a mixture of reggae, hip-hop, and Latin beats.Hmmm.....Reggaeton, is that what she's calling her music now? I just call it crap. J-lo is prego and likes to sing reggo.
Eva Longoria is unimpressed with Tom Cruise's romantic skills. Longoria says that Cruise's proposal to Katie Holmes was cheesy because it was at the Eiffel Tower. It was also a fake proposal Eva, so don't get to worked up. Just because there was a hurricane, doesn't mean you have to date Mario Lopez. The world is not quite ending yet.
Maybe Angelina doesn't win everything. Jennifer Aniston has been voted the celebrity that most women would like to look like. Angelina did not get any votes.........but she won Brad Pitt so who gives a crap about this poll. If thats a wedding dress then someone needs a refund
Lil Kim has resorted to thratening flight attendants. Kim got rowdy on a US Air flight headed towards New York. I heard she is just venting her angry about not getting Botox when she goes to jail. There is no hairdresser who does extensions in prison, so rip that shit out.
A boxing match? The VMA's? A football game? (hence the wave) Give up? A Jared Leto music gig. Well whoopdedo. Sorry I made you go thru all of that shit for that answer..
Britney Spears is donating all of her maternity clothes to shelters and charity houses. Nice.....some Mom is going to look like a slut. Britney goes for the spanish hoop skirt look while Kevy dons the scrunchy tail.
Paris Hilton added more fuel to the fire over her relationship with Paris Latsis. The heiress showed up without Latsis to the VMA's and held hands with Scott Storch, the producer of her soon to be released album.Paris's new album?.....right.....too bad they won't sell as good as her porn video did. If this is your backup plan for Paris Latsis, you might want to reconsider........that dude's is a cross between Jack Osbourne and Mike Myers.
Eva Longoria was votest sexiest TV beauty by a British supermarket. Longoria claims she was an ugly duckling growing up and the least attractive in her family. Why am I not buying into this? Hey Eva, something is growing out of your head.....you might want to snip it off.
If you ever get a chance to go on a date with Lindsay, this is what it would be like. So like you wanna get something to eat....oh wait you don't eat do you......... we'll just hold hands instead.... hehe...giggle giggle..hehe .........like hysterical dude like you are funny....shit I hope like Ashlee Simpson doesn't steal you from me.
Justin Timberlake will receive a hefty payment from a news organization that printed false information about the singer. "News of the World' printed that Timberlake had cheated on actress, Cameron Diaz. Timberlake had sued claiming the allegations had caused damage to his reputation. No Justin...... continuing to date Britney Spears would have damaged your reputation. Yeah like that's going to stop them....try mace.