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Lohan grabs Hollywood by storm and the Just Eat Two club continues.............. I ate two things today and feel great! Let's go clubbing! In a desparate attempt to be young again, Sharon Stone adopts the "Just Eat Two" system. The offical "Just Eat Two" Slut. Kayne says "Screw it", I'll eat five things. Foshizzle Eat Two Lohizzle Paula's starting the "just eat one" club. Old dudes like Santana should eat more then two things.
nononono Its a joke lol I dont have any hostility towards you at all. I think its good publicity for the both of us. Its just a coincidence that you had a fake picture of me on your blog. Regardless your gonna get hit with some traffic. My blogs pretty popular. Sorry if you take some heat from the Angelina fans though but you did call her a bitch so you kinda deserve it
i just wanted to tell you that i love when you do the Just eat two campaign!!!