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These are the kind of stories you wish people were making up. Jessica Simpson, is considering adopting a child. According to her publicist, Rob Shuter, the pop star is "exploring her options."How about this option.......... only adopt a kid if you plan on raising it. Kids are fun to play dress up with and all but someone needs to let Jess know that if the nanny needs a day off, Jess might be forced to gasp....change a diaper. I'm sure Jess really isn't in favor of getting her hands gooey unless it involves a hotel room and Adam Levine. Sluts-n-Starbucks
Such a class act that Marc Anthony guy is. It's only a wonder why he can't get J.Lo pregnant...................................probably because he's too busy grabbing his crotch then to learn how to stick it in her.
Really who? Who wants to help me redesign this piece of shit? Who? Do I hear takers? Tom is going to help me redesign this shit..............after he helps Katie redesign her pillow.
Nick Lachey wasted no time at all by dumping Laguna Beach star, Kristen Cavallari. The duo dated for about 30 seconds before Lachey decided that the MTV star was too young and dumb for his liking. Who's Lachey going to date next? All the blonde reality stars on VH1? Umm........ Hi Cousin It. Is that what these Laguna Girls are doing now?