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Seriously........people think they have everything when they have money. Money doesn't hurt but her greed and "fabulosity" cost her the man who loved her before she was who she is now. Bitch just doesn't get what life is about.
god, what is wrong with the person who writes this blog? just read it for the first time n he/she does not have a nice word to say about anyone. what a nasty, malicious person. such a shame that people read this and think that it's a suitable way to behave towards others
Class envy is never pretty. Hating someone for having more than you is not nice. That's what America is about--capitalism. Sure she's obnoxious, but I congratulate Kimora for making the American dream real. She just has a personality where she wants to shove it in our faces. I admire her for her business sense. It's her personality that annoys me.
this whore is so retarded yes she is successful but she doesn't really have to be full of herself I can't wait for her to finally hit the rock bottom because as we all know it anything that goes up must come down and maybe she will finally get a grip to some reality that sometimes money is not everything but yes it is important but you can just tell that she is one greedy person and the way she treats her employees are just wrong and NO not every women in the fucking world admires her or wants to be like her I wonder what those really elite proper rich people think of her she is nothing but a TRASH and yes proud to be what GHETTO FABULOUS ? there is no such thing if something or someone is GHETTO then it will never be FABULOUS because it is the opposite of one another BABY PHAT=BABY FAT = UGLY NECK ROLLS
Seriously........people think they have everything when they have money. Money doesn't hurt but her greed and "fabulosity" cost her the man who loved her before she was who she is now. Bitch just doesn't get what life is about.