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Dude I wish I had Kevin Federline's life. Expensive cars, rolex watches, pricey wifebeaters..........oh and don't forget having a zillion kids and still getting to go out to the clubs every single night. Yo man here's a fifty'. If my wife calls tell her I'm not here. I wonder how many girls numbers he'll get in that outfit? Heidi Klum just had a baby. I bet her husband Seal is going to the clubs all the time too.
Kirsten Dunst just signed on for a new movie about Iraq. Dunst will play the part of a US relief worker who travels to Iraq to help people in need and raise money for rebuilding their country. Better start those acting classes now because I doubt Dunst knows anything about charity work. Did the busting boobs pop off that other strap?
Nick Lachey must get a huge cash bonus from Papa Joe after he says this shit. Lachey stated that as far as his marriage goes with Simpson "Everything is Perfect". Lachey also stated that Kate Moss doesn't blow coke and Paris Hilton isn't a slut and Nicole Richie is not anorexic. I just posted this random pick to see how many other sites copy it.
Paris Hilton is denying reports that she had sex with Tom Sizemore. Sizemore claims he had sex with the heiress after a party when the socialite was only nineteen.Hilton says that she never had sex with Tom although if he turns out to be a rich Greek shipping heir I'm sure she'll think about it. I bet that's what Paris said to Tom before they did it. Picture via Just Jared who is awesome.
How convenient is this? Jessica Simpson will be spending her third anniversary in Africa with Papa Joe and her dumb assistant CaCee. Okay... how come CaCee has two capital letters in her first name? Oh yeah because she's dumb. Anyways.... the trip is for Jessica's charity "Operation Smile", where they will visit children who need operations on their smile. Nick will not be on the trip due to work scheduling conflicts.....hmmmm....more like marriage conflicts but whatever you want to call it. Ahhh....a time when things were still good in the Simpson/Lachey household ......oh what am I talking about they probably hated each other when this pic was taken too.
This week must be "National Bad Outfit Week" because the shit is flowing faster then a beer tap at Tara Reid's house. I believe I discussed these two yesterday. As Whitney Houston would say "That's a Hell to the NO!" It's so hot yet slightly cold outside. Hey I got an idea! Let's blindfold each other before we get dressed and pick out are clothing by the feel of it. Yeah yeah let's do it! I like the trim on the dress because when you unwind it, it doubles as a net to trap fish in the ocean. Congrats to Sienna, who got the lead part in Fiddler on the Roof. Wait... no.... she'll be playing Wendy in Peter Pan. No....I bet she's going to be one of Santa's elves this year. Jude's getting coal in his stocking fo' sure. Pictures pilfered from numerous blogs including Conversations with Famous People, Junk Feud, and crap I don't remember.....I'll think of it later.
Kate Moss has banned her drug abusing fiance Pete Doherty from her rehab clinic. Moss has claimed that she only wants close family friends to visit because she doesn't want anything to derail her recovery. You mean getting a visit from Pete isn't going to help you with your cocaine addict? This isn't because you would be able to snort the cocaine residue off his shoelaces would it? Now where would you ever get the idea that Pete Doherty is a cracked out drunk? Picture nabbed from Socialite Life
Don't trash your TiVo quite yet because the Simple Life isn't officially over. Paris Hilton has stated that the show will begin shooting November 1st and will be shopped to another TV network. The FOX network had dropped the series last week stating there was not enough room in their January lineup.....which translates into the FOX channel favors Gay Idol because that Ryan Seacrest guy is so much more appealing. Dude I don't know...I'm confused too.
Tara Reid was voted number one party animal by an In Touch magazine poll. Reid beat out the likes of Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan for the top spot. Can we think of a more original poll next time? How about who gives the most head? Nevermind...Tara probably wins again. Tara ponders over the wide selection of plastic flower but realizes she spent all her cash on a bad dye job.
Who forgot to invite Joan Rivers to the plastic party? Pictures submitted by Jane who told me not to give her credit but shit I didn't look this stuff up.
Yeah I've got alot of Paris in my posts today but shit people..that's all I could find. Those boots will make great camouflage for the jungle. That sure doesn't look like Tinkerbell. Paris demonstrates for the crowd how she squats when there is no bathroom available.