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Chad Michael Murray is engaged to One Tree Hill extra, Kenzie Dalton, who just turned 18. The pair have been dating since December. Okay...due to Chad's past history and all, I think it's safe to say that one of two things is going on here. One is that she's pregnant and two- yeah...she's pregnant. Given that fact that most recently divorced twenty something year olds don't jump into marriage six months later with unknown actresses, I think we can assume Chad will be pushing a stroller soon. Now this would have been a good pregnancy.
Cityrag loves Tori Spelling Dlisted is convinced that Avril Lavigne and Hilary Duff are cool. I don't like you in that way lists Sharon Stones demands. Popsugar says that Brad Pitt smells something funny. Britney celebrates April Fool's Day a bit late by wearing a normal outfit that actually fits her.