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I normally don't get too excited when Lindsay Lohan makes bold statements but this shit sort of caught my attention. Lohan is eager to travel to Iraq with Hilary Clinton to put on a show for the troops. The trip has yet to happen because Clinton thinks it would far to dangerous for Lohan. Lohan however is very confident she can handle an Iraq trip on her own. "I'm not afraid of going," she says. "My security guard is going to take me to a gun range when I get back to L.A., and I'm going to start taking shooting lessons." Yeah that whole gun thing......not going really help you when you come across a roadside bomb. Forget the troops.........just send Lohan over to take care of the war. She can just screw every Iraqi and the war will be over in about five minutes. Looks like somebody skinned Oscar to make that sweet Sesame Street coat.
Another day, another batch of barf Britney Spears pictures. I normally ride Britney harder then a porn star but today I'm going to suck it up and be nice. These are actually the best shots that I've seen of her in the past month. But then again that doesn't include the picture of her chugging a beer while rollerblading holding little Sean P. Okay okay shut the fuck up already I'm kidding! Pink is the new hog.
Sorry I have not posted in awhile...........I'm still trying to recover after seeing these pictures. If you gave her a white high collared jacket she could be an Elvis impersonator. I get that she's pregnant and all but there is no reason she can't get her ass to A Pea in the Pod and buy some maternity clothes. Does pregnancy make you colorblind or just fucking crazy? I don't get it.....where's her cigarette?