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Mary Kate Olsen and her anorexic gang are planning a "We Hate Paris" party scheduled for the end of the month. Set to attend the bash are Bijou Phillips and Nicole Richie, both of whom are not on speaking terms with Hilton. Guests will be encouraged to dress up as the socialite and scenes from the party will be videotaped and posted on the internet.Count me in if Paris's ex-boyfriends be performing sex acts on the guests. Nicole dresses up in the color of her favorite drug.
Umm hi idiots.... pregnant women do not ice skate. I'm pretty sure that along with cigarettes and alcohol, doctors don't recommend that it's a good idea to bust out figure 8's on the rink. I've never been pregnant before so maybe I don't fucking know what I'm talking about but whatever welcome to Planet Cruise. Honey hike your pillow up a bit.
Jessica Simpson filed for divorce today. I can't wait till Season 1 of The Divorcees starts. You'd be smiling too if you were about to cash the fuck in.
Paris Hilton would like to be friends with Nicole Richie again.Hilton says she understands Nicole's sadness over the split with her fiance as Hilton has experienced her own breakup this year. Sure Paris....and when you start dating DJ AM, I'll make sure I pitch in to help Nicole buy a gun. I bet if you yanked on her hair her head would pop off.
Okay... either get your own show on Animal Planet or better yet get a job at a freaking zoo. I'm sure they need someone to clean up crap in the tiger cage.
I met someone this week who told me that they were introduced to Kim Stewart at some event in L.A. last year. Apparently speaking to Kim was like talking to a piece of aluminum siding. I totally disagree............at least aluminum siding is useful. I wonder if Rod Stewart is mad at his daughter for stealing a pair of his boxers?
Don't cry too hard, but Kelditty has a business trip for the real job and won't be back to poop out gossip till Friday morning. Since everyone in Hollywood pretty much broke off their engagement or got a divorce last week, I don't think anyone is going to miss anything. Kisses Bitches! Well maybe it's not really a business trip....................Jessica Simpson hooked me up with her plastic surgeon and I'm getting a discount.
Newspapers in London are reporting that Sienna Miller will replace Kate Moss as the face of Burberry. Moss was dropped from their campaign because of her drug problems. I don't think the Burberry people should assume Sienna doesn't use drugs.........she's back with that idiot Jude Law isn't she? You would have to give me crack by the boat load to get back with him. Tuesdays must be makeup sex day.
Colin Farrell has checked himself into a rehab center to treat his exhaustion and his addiction to prescription meds.Umm....okay.....moving on..... today Paris Hilton went shopping and tonight Kevin Federline is going to a club. Boring day in Hookerwood. Remember a few years ago when we all thought this picture was strange? Oh how the times have changed.
Fans of Britney Spears have started a website to encourage the pop princess to divorce Kevin Federline.The site is running a contest for fans to pick the exact date of the couple's divorce. The prizes for picking the correct date include two cans of Colt 45 and a used wifebeater. I hope there are some rules banning K-Fed from entering in the contest......... those prizes are going to be awfully tempting for him. Looks like Kevin waved his magic penis at Britney over the weekend and tada....look what toy reappeared in their driveway.
Sienna Miller admits to having bad fashion...........................now if we could just get her to admit her bad taste in men. It's good to see that Sienna has gotten over Jude and moved on to bigger things.