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is she really the new face of chanel? or was that total sarcasm that i didnt get? yeah even though it looks like rat terds, i love bubble tea too. i miss ny.
There seems to be a hint that Ms. Lohan may have jumped the boat on calling herself the new face of Chanel (yes, it was "she" who has been telling anyone who will listen this) Other blogs, and a few British glamour mags have been chuckling, and seem skepical about this.
Yes, she is going to be photographed by Karl Lagerfeld, but Brill Lohan stated "I think it is for a magazine" Imagine that.
Could be just a few stills, there has been no announcement, just her tripe. If Chanel does announce it, the sounds of screaming dept. store clerks on commisson will be heard around the planet.
Nothing kills fashion, and allure like making some one like Lohan your offical style icon.
bubble tea, boba, tapioca balls...it's a great drink, w many varieties. you can only get it in bay area (SF), LA, NYC, places like that though. it's from Asia (Taiwan). it gives you something to chew on, flava' for your drink. try it if you can...
No, I live in Columbus Ohio and have two places within biking distance to get my boba on. Also get it in Harvard Square when I'm back in Boston. Not just a California/NY thang. Pretty well spread. Taro is my favorite.
To anonymous re. Lindsay jumping the boat on calling herself the new face of Chanel: Thank you for your educated and insightful remarks! I truly hope that the situation is exactly as you described. I would prefer to never see Lindsay in a Chanel campaign.
Ditto anonymous and anonymous 2. That's Pearl Melon looks like ... MASSIVE cup though --- a meal in a cup there ... and yeah, if you dont know what that is, i gotta say, uncultured unfortunately. But you learn something new every day. RACINGMIX to the max, bitc*es.
She is kind of fascinating to watch, one day, breasts, the next, no breasts.
That is a creepy looking drink she is drinking there thou, God knows what is in the bottom of it~
Your guess is as good as mine...