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Goldenfiddle says thank goodness Ashlee Simpson got collagen injected into her lips. Gossip or Truth says J.Lo is starting a reality show. Socialite Life has the lowdown on Denise Richards becoming a pussycat doll. The Superficial says that Jake Gyllenhaal is dating.......a girl?
Mariah's like a tube of Easy Cheese.........it squeezes out everywhere.
Cat.lebrity says that Paris Hilton's album will be filled with show tunes??? The Bastardly wants you to play a guessing game involving Mariah Carey's sex partners. Cityrag thinks Beyonce has a wet wedgie. Egotastic wants you to forget Ashlee Simpson's new nose and check out her lips. I don't like you in that way thinks K-Fed has a career in car sales. Did you run through a greenhouse and get attacked by a bunch of daffodils before you got ready to walk the red carpet?
These pictures of Kevin Federline remind me of the JCPenney ad flyer that falls out of your Sunday morning paper. This weeks special "white trash" only $9.99.
Things have kinda gotten rough for Spell-diddy since the parents cut off the trust fund...........she looks like she should be scooping mashed potatoes for people at a country buffet.
I know your totally jealous after looking at these pictures. While you were getting sunburnt and grilling hamburgers with your Aunt Thelma and your transvestite cousin Eddie over the Holiday weekend, Nicole Richie was getting plastic hair extensions and partying it up in car. Oh to have the life.............
Hmmm......Hilton's new toy is kinda hot. It's a shame he'll be useless after she squirts her cooter juice on him and his dick shrivels up like a raisin.
The Bastardly thinks that even Mariah Carey's dog is a whore. Yeeeah thinks Paris Hilton's new album is going be crap. Useless Things thinks Vince Vaughn likes balls. Popsugar thinks Mariah's leg are worth shit. Mollygood thinks Michelle Rodridguez got lucky. You know that this has got to be Paris. The John Deere tractor is a total giveaway.
The Bastardly gets hot and heavy with Mandy Moore. Cityrag says that Kirsten Dunst has a mouth full of something. Hollywood Tuna hates Jessica Simpson's feet. Derek Hail thinks Britney Spears is stupid. Hollywood Rag proves that Jude Law and Sienna Miller will be together forever. I'm surprised she's not holding a cup asking people for spare change.
I can't figure out if I like this name or not but who the fuck cares........ this baby is going to be hot. = Jennifer Aniston drowning herself in a bottle of Jack over the holiday weekend. Hell wouldn't you?