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Clay Aiken looks really goodlooking with his do! Toby - not so much. But it really isn't the same hairdo, Clay's is a shag and Toby's is more of a Hitler cut!
Before Wednesday, I think there were maybe 2 Clay Aiken fans in my sorority and I wasn't one of them. (Give me Bono and the Edge anyday.) After the Idol show, well, what I can say? We've been listening to his album for days, all of us, does that tell you anything? Clay is HAWT, people and his voice is liquid orgasm!!! Who knew? As for Tobey, I bet that creepy hair is for a movie role. It better be.
Tobey's still cute, adorable in fact. No one really believes that hair is for real, do they? I agree that it's for a new film. Now Clay, on the other hand .... I hope to God that hair is real coz it is HOT AS HELL!!! When did that boy get so damn SEXAY???
i LOVE clay aiken's new do. he looks a lot better. as for toby, i also love but not so much his hair but i know for a FACT it's for the up coming Spiderman Film...
Why do people put pointless messages on here for people to read? I came here by accident looking for something different and I find a haven for teenage drama queens. When will it end...