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i wouldnt say fergie im not sure who she looks like but her lips like they have been done too thats just messed up she doesnt look that bad but shes completely altered her face
That nose job was the worst mistake of her life, I thought her nose gave her character and she looked pretty. Now her nose is too small for her face and her chin looks even more pronounced. I'll bet the surgeon told her that if she got some collagen for her lips she would not need to pay to get her chin done. Boy was that a mistake. She looks like shes been in a car accident and received reconstructive surgery. And take off those fucken oversized sunglasses your nose isnt big enough to hold them, and they make you look stupid shit. END OF RANT lol
She looks worse now that she had that nose job. It is not a good nose job. It doesn't look natural. It looks Michael Jacksonesque. She is supposed to be getting a boob job according to Star Mag.
But I agree with Odessa and y'all! Liked her as a brunette, very cute unique look. (I've never thought much of Jessica because there are so few decent pix of her out there.)
Ashlee just neeeded to get out of the college dorm clothes and dress more like Aniston. That, and her brunette looks and old nose would've worked... in my opinion!
No one has even mentioned that her eyebrows seem to be meeting in the middle. I guess that *could* be from squinting, though.
I agree with the other people who said they thought it was Denise Richards at first. I definitely did NOT think it was Ashlee Simpson. She should have stopped after the nose job. She looked so good. Now she's probably going to change everything about herself and "lose herself" in the process.
wow she did it to compete with sis jess thats kind of sad what she should have done was jus get a subtle nose job she is unrecognizable who the hell is that? is that you ash? scary!she is gonna end up regretting this sooner or later you wait
i wouldnt say fergie im not sure who she looks like but her lips like they have been done too thats just messed up she doesnt look that bad but shes completely altered her face