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Hahah! My grandmamma also is Polish! It's no joke, because I'm polish :P I like your blog because I'm the owner of gossip blog in Poland. If you find some time you could find me on http://celebrities.blog.pl/archiwum/index.php?nid=10949101
I will prepare for you bigos and PIEROGI :]]]] Big hug LeaMun
She must be filming a movie cause there is a trailer and the dodge behind her has Ontario plates. Although I still think this is better than what she puts together to wear on a daily basis.
I'm trying to look at this outfit and give her benefit of the doubt. Maybe she was planning to meet someone for coffee but had to walk the dog. So instead of the comfortable choice, jeans and sweatshirt, she grabs a few items from the top of her suitcase. Walks the dog. Back to hotel. Off to meet a friend...
Its nice that she has protected herself from the rain, its just too bad her cat has to get drenched..LOL