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I know your totally jealous after looking at these pictures. While you were getting sunburnt and grilling hamburgers with your Aunt Thelma and your transvestite cousin Eddie over the Holiday weekend, Nicole Richie was getting plastic hair extensions and partying it up in car. Oh to have the life.............
Cmon,thats where she keeps her ziploc baggies of her own vomit.Oh,and a dime bag of some coke,condoms for an impromptu gang bang,and some Listerine pocket strips for after she hurks up dinner.Glamourous.
her friggin bracelets weigh more than she does....I am still morbidly fascinated tho.....you know she's gonna crash and burn but no one can stop it...so sad.
i was reading on another site that she seemed awfully happy in a lot of pics for someone who had just broken up with DJ jamm just a week ago, and speculation of her using drugs again.
She needs to stop carrying around bags that are bigger than she is.