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Wow, first? Surprise surprise.. I bet it will take like 6 days before more than 10 people post on this site. HAHAHAHA. I was on D-listed and in 4 hours there was over 1300 comments about one picture. I guess your little troll telling people to get off the site worked Keliditty. Brit looks great!!! Jealous again?
Okay really 5:30am. I just checked the sitemeter on this site and it looks to me like traffic has increased on this site. this site never had the traffic like d-listed did so don't act like this site used to have traffic like that and suddenly it has disappeared. you are just dumb.
Girl is what? 5 months pregnant now? I say she she doesn't look that bad...concidering that she just also had Sean about 9 months ago. She looks like she is at least trying of late to at least throw on some makeup. To the person who dissed this site, D-listed is good, but the folks on the site do use it as an instant messanger like anon 6:02 mentioned.
WHITE TRASH!!!! worse...STUPID WHITE TRASH! She deserves everything she's got coming to her. Did she really think she could steal a low life like K-Fed and he would treat her differently than his first baby's mama?
My cowgirl hat looks just like that now thanks to my 2 dogs who decided to chew on it the other day, I hope she bought hers that way and didn't let baby Fed teeth on it
Well what goes around, sure does come around. I wonder how shar felt being pregnant with her second baby, from a man she thought she was going to marry, suddenly up and abandoning her for britney? Now Britney is being abandoned and she doesnt like it does she? I have to give shar credit for being classy throughout this whole ordeal.
Britney is not being abandoned, as someone else stated. Britney kicked HIM out and she seems very happy. She looks great to me, and very happy, too. By the way, my little boy is only 7 days older than SPF. He weighs a little less, but they look exactly the same in the face. They even both have the hair coming in heavy in the middle making it look like they have baby mohawks! Needless to say, I think her little boy is adorable, as is my little boy!
8:03 HELLO she kicked him out for what reason??????? He has emotionaly abandoned her, and left her to fend for herself. I do not know what your definition of abandonment is but it takes many forms.
Odessa, I don't think she really cares if he's around now. She got what she wanted from him - two kids. SPF and one on the way. And she doesn't look too upset to me. I have a feeling she knows EXACTLY what she is doing. You may secretly want her to feel abandoned or bad, but to me, it looks like she is enjoying her son and enjoying life.
maybe for a moment we can sit down and realise that we know nothing about them..only what is reported on the tabloids.
she looks good here..actually all the pictures of her are of her and her baby..at least she's spending time with her baby not leaving it with a nanny while she works out and tries to get skinny.
Suri Cruise is being protected from the paparazzi. I dont blame them for not showing off their kid, its dangerous. If brit were happy and everything was hunky dorey, then why has Kevins ass been kicked to the curb and how come we dont hear anything about a divorce?
Maybe Brit finally learned to keep her personal business a little closer to her vest!! I hope she did what is best for her andher child(ren). With Suri.. I think something fishy is going on there. No NEW mother is away from her baby that much!! Come on now.. how can she breastfeed a baby while she is in another state. Tom is gay and Katie is his beard!!
Its called a breast pump, and the times we see pictures of Katie out and about are mostly during the day, which means she is mostly home in the mornings and at night with her child. She is probably battling depression too. I dont begrudge her or any mother of time to themselves.
umm 5:53 im sure britney was paying for kfag's child support so shar had no reason to bitch and stir up any trouble as she was getting quite a bit of money Im sure, so why wouldnt she handle things in a classy manner right? dont bite the hand that feeds she was laughing all the way to the ban... dah
Odessa... you don't have kids huh? You don't go running around a park with full breast. Last I checked Suri was not with Katie.. plus.. what about the time they went to another state to promote MI3?? BS.. I have a new born, give me a break!!!
Did you ever stop to think that suri is bottle fed, as well as breast fed? Who really cares either way so long as the kid is not starving. We dont have any reports of her dropping the baby on its head or facing her the wrong direction in the car. I could care less, it seems everyone has a sick obsession with wanting to see pictures of suri, and quite frankly that is just odd. People are supposed to protect their kids, not whore them out to the public for the sake of popularity.
Wow, first? Surprise surprise.. I bet it will take like 6 days before more than 10 people post on this site. HAHAHAHA. I was on D-listed and in 4 hours there was over 1300 comments about one picture. I guess your little troll telling people to get off the site worked Keliditty.
Brit looks great!!! Jealous again?