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what is she trying to prove? trying to get kfag jealous? he could care less im sure, her manny is hot but she should hand SP to him and let him take over she shouldnt be anywhere near that baby right now *sigh* im getting so sick of her
kept is a husband for hire im sure of it i bet he is keeping her busy while kfag is in the basement supposedly if you know what i mean britney is such a skank
oh wow she does it again what a dumb a** this time she doesnt almost hurt her son by falling with a drink in hand but hires a manny/kept man for hire to take care of her womanly needs when i think ive totally lost all respect for her it cant get any worse
this is so so sad. where the hell is federline? shouldn't he be the one taking strolls with his pregnant wife and infant child? oh yeah, he's been banished to the basement.
Whats pissing me off is this bitch insists on walking down the street with her son in hand instead of placing him in the stroller where he is safe. This is the 3rd time ive seen her do this shit. She should not even be holding him life that anymore now that she is pregnant, it puts an added strain on her back. I wish she would let the damn nanny do his friggen job, and stop trying to show off for the paparazzi, she isnt going to win the mother of the year award so she needs to just stop already. Hold your baby at home, put him in the stroller when your outside. Gosh she is such a douche.
Blah blah... next will be a picture of her writing and you will all complain that she uses the wrong hand. I feel like I stumbled into a high school bathroom where all the nerds are talking about the popular people. Grow up ladies.. I feel soooo sorry that you have to find fault in everything this women does. End of the day she will always be prettier, richers and BETTER than you all!!!
10:40 this is the internet, you dont know what a single one of us does or how much money we make. You are the one who is back in high school and has failed to learn about freedom of speech. I know you must ache when everyone is able to say whatever they want, do you get nightmares in which people are telling you stuff you dont want to hear and you arent allowed to stop them? LOL grow up!
11:43.. What a hypocrite you are! You can post how sad, fat, ugly or whatever you want about Brit but when someone turns it on you..than we are the losers.. yeah right. You can dish it but you sure can't take it huh? It does not ache me any.. you are the one MAD not me. I laugh at you becuase what I wrote is true and you know it!! She will ALWAYS be richer, prettier and BETTER THAN YOU!!!! LOL GROW UP!!!
Shut up, Britn- I mean anonymous. You are dum. Go buy yourself a nice house somewhere in Alabama or wherever it is you came from and go try to give your children a normal life. You owe it to them.
12:01 something is wrong with your reading comprehension, you are here to try and shut everyone up, I am not. You are the one who is the hypocrite, you are trying to stop everyone from putting in their two cents. Money does not buy class, and judging by how you react to everyones posts, it becomes obvious that the title "white trash" hits a nerve with you. Whats the matter? Are you white trash with illusions of grander? You seem to think we are some how insulted by your lame ass comment of "she will always be richer than you", are you like 10 years old or something? I dont see who that is supposed to insult here? LOL
12:01 Your values are all messed up. Britney is not better than anyone.
Without hair stylists and makeup artists, she hasn't looked particularly hot for a few years now. She's acne-ridden and husky. She's clueless about what colors work on her and which do not. When left to her own devices, her clothing is garish and ugly. And her hair looks like a rat's nest--with roots. What's to be jealous of?
As for her money, it's quite obvious that it hasn't bought her happiness. That's one depressed and confused woman, and she has been this way for a while.
Third, she may, in fact, be worse off than most people. She's got a moron for a husband who as a white man thinks he's a black rap artist and tries to look and live the part--and he spends her money on alcohol, drugs, and making bad rap music; she is never seen with friends--only nannies and other hired help; she's followed morning, noon, and night by the paparazzi; she has lost her career and probably has no chance of ever recovering it at the age of 25; she is considered by most people to be a negligent mother; need I go on?
Yeah, she's "better than" us. You're funny. It's a pleasure not to look like or live like Britney Spears.
Let's face it, Britney has led a more glamorous life than all of us. Not now, but before she was married to Kfed, she was holding concerts all over the world, walking the red carpet, winning awards and whatnot. Who wouldn't wanna experience the life of a superstar(not necessarily Britney's)?
But we can't judge her based on tabloids and some random pictures and call her a lousy mother and white trash and a slut(??!!). Some people seem to know her personally from the way they talk.
The comparison the anonymous poster used which said we are nerds talking about the popular people is kinda true and funny..it's easy to judge people who are put out there.
Britney has not lead a more glamorous life than I have meme, maybe you could compare her life to yours instead and leave the rest of us out of it. Its easy to judge a person who flips off her fans. Its easy to judge a woman who is a homewrecker, its easy to judge a woman who has cheated on her boyfriend. In my book thats a recipe for trash. I dont know any good people who do those things meme.
"its easy to judge a woman who has cheated on her boyfriend. In my book thats a recipe for trash"
You know her personally? How well do you know her relationshiop between that N sync guy and her? Unless you've been getting "information" other ways besides the media(like from..the first party, for example?), maybe you can stop judging and sound like you know her first hand, or even second hand.
So are you a celebrity Odessa? I mean glamorous as in Hollywood glamorous as stated in my post. So what if she flips off? We have seen kate boswood(spelling) flipping off..does that mean she is flipping off her fans? she's just annoyed with the paparazzi. You aren't a celebrity, you don't know what it's like. But from seeing their behavior in public it's obvious they are stressed.
Meme maybe YOU should stop hypocritically judging angelina jolie then huh? I dont care what you have to say, celebrities choose to put their lives on stage. If they dont want to be seen they know where to go, its only the attention whores who make sure everyone is still talking about them.
this discussion is ridiculous, im leaving... 8:03 your on crack, for someone who hates a celebrity so much, you sure do know alot about her...same goes for the other haters on this board...i think its some sick-chick fantasy to see a young, pretty girl totally in shambles, gaining weight etc... think about it peoples, you would never say this stuff about anyone you knew personally... give the girl a break...
what is she trying to prove? trying to get kfag jealous? he could care less im sure, her manny is hot but she should hand SP to him and let him take over she shouldnt be anywhere near that baby right now *sigh* im getting so sick of her