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Goldenfiddle says thank goodness Ashlee Simpson got collagen injected into her lips. Gossip or Truth says J.Lo is starting a reality show. Socialite Life has the lowdown on Denise Richards becoming a pussycat doll. The Superficial says that Jake Gyllenhaal is dating.......a girl?
Mariah's like a tube of Easy Cheese.........it squeezes out everywhere.
I just think she needs to start dressing her age and not like she is a tween pop star! She is beautiful but she needs to dress to her positives not expose all the negatives
Mariah looks great considering everything she's been through. And for such a large gal she still wears mini skirts and has no cellulite.
I've only seen about 2 pictures where she was covered. Otherwise, it's been the same look for 15 years. How she does it in the dead of winter is anyone's guess. You never see her wear anything but short-short, tight, lots of cleavage.
She needs a new look, I am tired of seeing her in stuff that looks too much alike.