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I can't figure out if I like this name or not but who the fuck cares........ this baby is going to be hot. = Jennifer Aniston drowning herself in a bottle of Jack over the holiday weekend. Hell wouldn't you?
Brad and AJ SUCK!! Who TF cares anyway!!??!! Yeah the dyke had a baby!! She cuts her wrists.. kisses her brother, wears a vile of someones blood and has admitted to taking a TON of drugs.. and people talk shi^ about Michael Jackson.. oh right AJ is pretty so we will see past her MENTAL PROBLEMS!!This country is SAD!! Did you know that women in Niambia (SP) are raped and killed daily and their own government does not protect them. But AJBP!! Lets make the birth a holiday!! People need to get a clue in life!!
Good post, 10:16. Although I don't think all bad things about Jolie, I will say if Jen was drinking Jack over the holiday weekend, it was probably to celebrate the fact that this loser is out of her life.
Now I've read that the bossy side of Angie is getting to Brad, and that he misses Jen. I'd never want to see Aniston take Pittwit back, but god, would that be a delicious turn of events! She's gotta be more reasonable as a wife. Angie's too domineering, too much in the driver's seat. I don't think she'll keep the boy around for much longer. Who knows.
Thanks guys.. I posted 10:16. Iam so happy to find a site where people see another side of this. Some of these blogs have the baby in a moses basket with a halo on its head. HUH?? Two CELEBS have sex, not married, and have a kid in a country that has children dying everday!! and I am supposed to stop and weep for joy? Does everyone forgetto mention thattheyare staying in a like 20 start resort? It kills me when people..like OPRAH visit a country and stay at a four Seasons hotel and try to make me feel bad for not helping these kids out. Was AJ even asked to take a evaluation for all her past problems before they let her adopt kids? Most likly not.. Michael Jackson has problems that are allegid.. AJ has admitted to hers.. what is going on here? Rasisng kids with the values you have is just as bad as hurting them if your values are F'ed up!! Just letting you know AJ!!!BTW.. I HATE Michel Jackson please don't think I think he is not a dirty strange guy.. just trying to show my point!!!
i think they both have this underlying white trash quality that i dont like. even though they stay in 20-resort hotels, she is doing something a little more with her status as a celebrity than starve herself and shop at kitson.
Yup, Sander--she's representing that tired paternalistic Westerner who "saves" the people of color by throwing money at Western-based charities and buying their babies. All that does is re-confirm to so-called first-world people that they're better than the poor black and yellow people that their governments exploit daily.
@ 1:53. There are white people suffering too. But nobody cares about them. It's not the media story. The media thing is to kick whitey.
And third world people have never displayed the skills to develop a better society. With rampant government corruption, our generous gifts of aid have been misused. It's tragic all around. Don't blame this on societies who have been able to develop and advance....
wow 10:16 Although I do agree she is protected far more than the women over there in that country. Jolie-Pitt is a dedicated advocate for refugees and has donated millions to Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Balkins and America and she is the UNHCR Good Will Ambassador. I do believe you are speaking about her past not her present. What is important is what she is doing now that counts not what she did in her past.
No one said white people aren't suffering; Angelina didn't adopt white people.
And countries "able to develop and advance?" How--because we're just better than those corrupt, ungrateful third world people, or because we make them economic slaves to enhance our own dominance?
1:31 and you should be so proud to post as you do? how dare you judge anyone. Jolie-Pitt is making up for it just fine in everything that she has done for that country and others by donating money, giving her time and energy to a good cause, she is a valued and dedicated advocate for refugees so how dare you sit on your high horse and judge anyone, what have you done for a good cause? have you ever had sex outside of marraige? have you lead such a straight arrow life?
I just don't understand how people can be so quick to rip one CELEB apart but hold this one up to such high glory? Do you praise Oprah the same way...what about Sally Struthers(sp)? She has been helping people for YEARS.. oh right she is fat and unattractive. If AJ looked like Sandra bullock.. pretty but avaerage pretty ( I like Sandra so please don't call me a hater) you would give two shi$# about the cause. How sad that we are so impressed with her beauty. I agree it brings awarness but how about picking a country to praise that does not let their own women die or have rights.. it just seems hypocritical of AJ that she gets the royal treatment because of her money but the real women who live there are treated like dirt. Hey I am open to hearing other sides. please don't jump on me.. I know BPAJ have a huge fan base!!
Umm 3:25.. I actually go to Mortania.. a little speck on the tip of AFRICA with my Father in law each Oct to help!! Would you like to see pictures. Before you get ON YOUR HIGH HORSE think before you speak!!! Women in that country do not even name their children until 6 months because they don't always live!! How dare you say I can't judge anyone. I take a truck across the desert from France.. sit on a boat.. take at train across some dangerous land to help others. FOR THEM.. and to give back!! I can't drop a million to help them but my time is how I help. We put up solar panels so they could have lights in a hospital, we helped tile tables so they could slaughter the camel they eat.. WHAT DO YOU DO?? Yes I am PROUD Of my comment!!! I sleep in a tent and eatthe same food they do.. everhave powdered eggs? Until you do... Shut the FU!!!
TO:3:36 I was born in Vietnam and no exactly how it feels to live in a poor country. I lived on the streets with my mother and sister for about a couple years. We ate out of trash cans and begged for food almost every day, we were lucky if we had a proper place to sleep. An Angel from god who was a sponsor came to rescue us and sponsored us and took us to America when I was 2 years old, so yes I know exactly how it feels, although you had the luxury my dear to sleep in a tent I did not, I got to sleep on the streets, you got a powder egg, I got a rotten egg to eat. You saw it, I've experienced it.
Thank you to all the people on this post who could give a damn for this overrated dominatrix and her castrated boyfriend/ babysitter.They are just people for fucks sake.Babies are born everyday.Why should this child be any different.This kid could turn out really fucked up because of the various genetic grab bag which is Angelinas heritage.Whether celebrity brownnosers want to admit and never will.. this child was born of an adulterous union,call it what you want because thats what it is.
No no 4:18 I lived it!!! For 6 weeks. Thank god you are free and able to use a computer. I wish the people you and I have meet had that luxury.. so we are on the same page. I think EVERYONE should help others that have less...however some people do it for the right reasons while others do not. Thank god you were saved. I hope more people can do what your sponser did. I am sorry for your past butI happy for your future.
Oh puh-leez! Even if their pocket change helps the less fortunate that in no way negates the fact those two are homewrecking media whores who only give a shit about themselves. If they happen to help some poor soul along the way it's a tax write-off. Money well spent in their web of PR manipulation. She's a creepy looking alien skank and Pitt's retarded looking without all the airbrushing. Get real people...it's all an illusion and they're the grandmasters'.
some hateful a** people on here, is it because she has brad or shes beautiful, because shes done so many good things for humanity? shes rich? or all of the above? why is just about everyone on here against her? at least shes done ONE GOOD THING, and its more than just donate money, shes done so much for that country, and you all hate her? but everyone wants to defend britney spears thats hilarious!
i read somewhere that jolie-pitt celebrated the birth of their daughter by donating 300,000 to help other babies in need and 15,000 to construct a school
i dont know right about the time I found out jolie-pitt had their baby if I was jen I wouldnt have taken the news well at all I bet she cried her eyes out she was propably with Vince but deep down inside she felt terrible
Jolie adopted maddox to fill a void in her life when it was clear her personal life had gone down a drain. Then she becomes this goodwill embassador, which she has no right to be, because she sure as hell has not done the most in this field, and what good will does she really promote? She serves as eyecandy for perverted men in backwards countries who nod their heads at her with tongues wagging, she is not taken seriously. Then she adopts Zahara to reinforce the landfill void she has in her life. She didnt want anyone critisizing her for not having a man in her life, so she felt the need to build this smokescreen. Then on top of this she has a namibian wedding one that will not be legal in the USA. Talk about a control freak.
there are worse ways one could fill a "void" in their lives and adopting 2 beautiful orphaned children I would not classify as really filling a void, at least they have a better life now than they had before. Jolie-Pitt may have some issues as we all do, noones perfect but shes taken her negative energy and put forth to do something positive for others that are not so fortunate. You may see a control freak I see a woman who knows what she wants and takes control with a very very big heart
Yeah what a loving mother, she doesnt want to give her children any normalcy, instead she wants to adopt more children and travel the world with them. These children and other children she adopts will never get enough one on one time that they need. Children arent animals, and last time I checked she was not running a kennel. She did get these children to fill specific voids. This baby with brad was also a calculated decision in which she activily helped brad to deceive Jenn. Does a woman with a big heart seek to help destroy the marriage of another? I see a very selfish woman, and a woman who has no real moral fiber.
odessa you dont know this for a fact where did you get this information? you do not know her personally so why do you say such silly things? you really have it out for jolie dont you?
It don't matter if Pitt doesnt look like this anymore. He once did. It's all in the DNA. This kid won the genetic lottery. Who cares what kind of people they are. Homewreckers, media whores, liars, blah blah blah. they're hot and that's all that matters.
Angelina has said she never wants to have babies of her own, you know, because she wants this rainbow-family, and just wants to adopt orphans. Sounded good, but now she has a baby with Brad...
And I think she said somewhere that the baby was a "surprise" because she had never thought about having one. What, she didn't know where babies come from?
I don't think the baby's gonna even look that good.. Brad and Angie look great on their own, but mix those two together and you might end up with a pretty weird looking kid!
7:29 Yes I do know this for a fact because it was through the arquettes that the story came up about Jolie trying to schmooze aniston. Then on top of that this issue about her wanting to adopt more, HELLO ITS IN THE NEWS. No I do not have it out for Jolie, the woman didnt do anything to me. I do not think she should be a parent, she doesnt have her priorities in order. I have a right to my opinion, if you cant handle it I suggest you stop reading.
all the thrash talk about the couple. WHAT THE FUCK?? is dat wad u fcking read? read read read. and u guys believed all that shit. u living in their shoes?? u know wads their life like?? yea u WISH. u trust goss mags and to think dat y'all insulted other celebs. LOOK IN THE MIRROR PEOPLE.TOTAL FACIAL. adios,sorry jealous bastards.
brangelina is soo over-rated, team jen all the way. i think Jen came out as a winner here because she is so dignified after everything, no crying, no pitiful interviews in magazines.
hah so they had a baby, so what..i doubt the baby would turn out to be that hot..just because two good-lookign people have sex and out pops a baby doesnt' always mean the baby would be very good-looking, it works the opposite way most of the time.
so Angelina can adopt the whole of africa and vietnam and she still wouldn't get rid of the fact that she was involved in wrecking a relationship. I don't think they will last..it's all for show! this is hollywood people...
This is getting ridiculous. Everyone is saying how this baby is going to be the most beautiful baby ever. What about recessive genes? It could end up getting the traits of Angie's and Brad's brothers. Genetics is gambling.
6:10 nobody is jealous of angelina and her mental problems and low self worth, or Brads all around white trash roots. I am appauled that Jenn has been trashed in the media when the woman has been pretty damn classy about not trashing them in the press. How people can congratulate them I do not understand. Ohh congratulations on the baby you made together that neither one of you will really value, because you never learned how to value a marriage. Ohhh congratulations for pulling shit in an african country that would be illegal here. These two are unbelievable.
Brad and AJ are a JOKE!! They are EXACTLY what the rest of the world HATES ABOUT US!! No values.. money hungry...self obsessed...people. Jealous of what? Being married three times... dabbling in same sex relationships, frenching my brother, wearing a vile of blood on my neck, trying to kill myself SEVERAL times... having everything in life handed to me and still not being happy, taking drugs? Umm no actually I am not JEALOUS. This chick has DEEP ISSUES.. just because her outside is pretty, it seems all her actions inside are UGLY!!! Is Brad serious that this was his oly option to bring home to Mom? I am sure X-mas dinner will be fun.. the baby in a cape and AJ wearing black nail polish with Brad in a matching outfit. BP is the Katie Holms in this relationship~~~
You look at people like Blythe Danner and Bruce Paltrow who are attractive don't get me wrong and they hit the jackpot with Gwyneth..she is stunning! But this baby is definitely going to grow up to be one of the most beautiful women in the world should she choose to go into showbiz or become an accountant! PS Just saw Mr & Mrs Smith...LOVED IT!!!!!
Jamie Lee Curtis had beautiful parents yet she is not much to look at. There are plenty of examples of beautiful parents who give birth to ugly babies.
LOL at 12:52... that would be funny! Maybe babydoll will bear a striking resemblance to some hairy dark-haired guy. Colin Farrell. Or an old fling with good ol' Billy Bob.
Actually, the WORST is that this kid was born under a microscope. If she looks amazing, well good. If she wears each of their features, that's a lot of ripe beauty in one face. She might look exaggerated. Angie can look extreme and ghoulish. Brad is just a dork. A guy who went to Hollywood and got lucky.
@6:51 what the hell does Vietnam have to do with this? Are you you just be a ugly smart ass? SOMEONE seems to be a bit bitter because theyve not accomplished jack shit in there life, by the way I was speaking about being born and living the life as homeless child with my mother and sister, I assume you find that funny, you insensitive bitch, who doesnt speak before typing, it had nothing at all to do with you, I was speaking to 3:36, leave my country out of it. If Jolie-Pitt decides to adopt the whole dam country of VIETNAM, MORE POWER TO HER! I've been waiting and praying for the dam day when maybe she actually does she done so much for other countries why not VIETNAM? Bitter much? I'm so sorry you havent accomplished jack in your life, have you ever sponsored a child from another country, donated money to a good cause, done anything out of the goodness of your heart, you dont sound like it, you sound bitter, cold, judgemental, and you just hate the world, maybe you just hate whats inside of you, maybe you better search down inside first, before throwing ugly ass comments about people who have done good for others and who have been less fortunate than others. You may want to think about that 6:51!
5:17 Most of us arent sycophantic idiots who trumpet what we do for others. Angelinas "Charity" will only serve the corrupt governments. She like many others fail to see the wisdom in the old saying "give a man a fish, and you will feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a lifetime". I guess the only people standing to benefit from her charity is her two adopted kids. Now lets hope she begins to create some normalcy for them, otherwise she is a total loss.
odessa i cant believe you are still on this blog i thought it was past your curfew by now dont you usually have be PUT IN, LOCKED, and LIGHTS OUT in those facilities? Then risen at 5 am for your shock treatment?
Odessa, I really enjoy your posts. I agree with some of the things you write. I've seen you post elsewhere, and I think when people get a conflicting opinion they go on the attack. Like the people above did.
No, we won't agree with the Brangie freaks about everything or this latest tabloid story. There's much to criticise, but really it doesn't matter. It's their lives. We're just here with nothing better to do.
By the way, Brad Pitt is very ordinary -- a good looking, ordinary beach stud type. He's really lucky he made it. Fact is, 7 out of 10 waiters in California look like Brad Pitt. And most of 'em around L.A. are trying for a movie or TV career! Brad is from Missouri and I bet in his small town there weren't many lookers. So he got ALL the attention... built up his confidence... he came out to Hollywood and was confident enough to land work.
Thankyou 9:37, these people are proving to be psychos, they are so caught up in how pretty Angelina is, that they dont see anything else. And to the morons above, NO I AM NOT 40, NO NOTHING LIKE THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED TO. I should side with someone who commits adultry and shoves it someones face? I think not. If Jennifer was the one who had done this you wouldnt see me sticking up for her at all. I guess some people are so disgustingly caught up in their own fantasies with both of these stars that they will completely shut out reality. The funny thing is, I am not even a jennifer aniston fan, I was never into the show friends. I never cared about any of it. But when I see BS like this occuring, sorry I am gonna call a spade, a spade.
9:37 lol!!! its completely obvious its you ODESSA writing your own post to pose as if you are someone else HA! NICE TRY SWEETIE as for yourself 2:23 odessa whatever save it your comments are a bore fest to me (yawn)
5:13 I have better things to then troll the comment section agreeing with myself. Perhaps thats a game you play so you suspect everyone else of doing the same. Its not my fault someone else agreed with my stance on the issue. If my comments are such a "bore fest", then you wont be replying to them anymore or even mentioning my name. Now that we have cleared that up I wont have to read anymore of your drug induced rage posts.
@5.17: I think you are a tad obsessive..I said AFrica AND Vietnam in case you are blind. geez take a chill pill..I was targeting your dear country, saint patriot. BTW I didn't read the rest of your post because you scare me.
to Pandora1: " People on here act as if they know jolie themselves personally and what went on and goes on in their private relationship and with the divorce of brad and jen and how Angelina was a homewrecker, noone knows its all heresay, its what you read and see on TV come on people!"
That's what you said. And you say Britney hasn't done anything in her life and screwed it up one after another? that sounds like you know her personally huh..unless you happen to be affected personally by her actions(like marrying Kfed, releasing albums, giving birth to a son)?
wow... this blog is discussign the meaning of maddox's relationship to Angelina Jolie, her "bad: habits, and her sex life. We don;t even know her. Or Brad Pitt. Od the kids. So I say sit back and chill out. She looks hot. He looks hott. And their baby is gonna be fricking beautiful. So let's just enjoy and stare. SOME drooling allowed...
just because they are beautiful doesnt mean there kids will! of course no one will ever know what the true story was behind the divorce. But i feel that they could of handled their situation better. it was as though as soon as the papers were signed suddenly angelina was pregnant, they moved in together one happy family that everyone loved, with everything in jennifer anistons face.they are in the public eye, if they had a heart they wouldnt do so. think about it, if it was a not so beautiful star who wrecked someones marriage they would prb be bashed about in forums already. angelina jolie huh..her beauty is very shallow
ugh...Jen is a Greek Goddess compared to that fish-lipped, goth, blood loving, slut. She’s so vainy- she’s like, one big vain!!(*puking right now). her body is sickly looking- hunched over, she looks like a 4 legged vainy spider. The last time I saw a mouth like that it had a hook in it. Now Aniston, nice butt, golden tan, gorgeous smile, aqua marine eyes, sun kissed hair, GREAT frik’n body man! No comparison dude.
Brad and Angelina make an amazing couple. I love them to death. The two of them are HOTT and their baby will probably be hott too. What is so bad about her name? I don't believe Angelina has had any work done to her body and I hate when people say things that they do not know for sure to be true. Their family is beautiful and full of love, which is what really matters. I think Angelina is gorgeous and does good work. Brad made a great decision in my opinion because he seems happier and more fulfilled. Of course I don't know them personally so I am being a hypocrit in reference to an earlier statement I made. To the point- Angelina and Brad are great; let them be. Anyone who is interested in them for things other than bashing their name should read the January edition of Vogue. The article on Angelina is great and it made me smile. Have a great day everyone and merry Christmas!
No, why should I. Who cares? At least Jennifer doesn't have to worry about running an orphanage.