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The Bastardly thinks that even Mariah Carey's dog is a whore. Yeeeah thinks Paris Hilton's new album is going be crap. Useless Things thinks Vince Vaughn likes balls. Popsugar thinks Mariah's leg are worth shit. Mollygood thinks Michelle Rodridguez got lucky. You know that this has got to be Paris. The John Deere tractor is a total giveaway.
YOU GUYS ARE A RIOT!!! I couldn't cum up with have the stuff you did about the crabs and stuff. She is such a pig! When she gets marreid and has a c-section chances are she has Genital Herpes. You can't give birth to a baby the "natural" way that way even if you don't have any outbreak. And old girlfriend of mine has it...then she slept with my ex-boyfriend and now HE HAS IT!!!! I do believe in Karma, that man totally broke my hear.
That pic is great......even the way he is kneeling is perfect.