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Things have kinda gotten rough for Spell-diddy since the parents cut off the trust fund...........she looks like she should be scooping mashed potatoes for people at a country buffet.
I dunno. The hair color looks expensive and I like the outfit! I don't understand people who bail out of marriages quickly. But I hope Tori and the new Mr. Tori are happy together. (Can't wait to read his ex's book!)
I just think she looks good here. But I have a huge problem with the Lohan-Richie-Ashlee 'stringy fried' hair styles. For a day of errands, this is cute and comfy.
And it also covers straight across her cleavage area. Some very unflattering photos out there, and I think the surgery didn't settle right. So covering the crack is actually a better look.
So yeah, I'm crazy. I never did hate Tori! She's certainly a lot better than Paris and stuff. She can joke about herself a little, take the heat.... it's refreshing.
im usually update on the latest celeb gossip and such but never heard about her parents doing away with the trust fund is this correct? i like her outfit though
I dunno. The hair color looks expensive and I like the outfit! I don't understand people who bail out of marriages quickly. But I hope Tori and the new Mr. Tori are happy together. (Can't wait to read his ex's book!)