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Mary Kate Olsen and her anorexic gang are planning a "We Hate Paris" party scheduled for the end of the month. Set to attend the bash are Bijou Phillips and Nicole Richie, both of whom are not on speaking terms with Hilton. Guests will be encouraged to dress up as the socialite and scenes from the party will be videotaped and posted on the internet.Count me in if Paris's ex-boyfriends be performing sex acts on the guests. Nicole dresses up in the color of her favorite drug.
I hope that is true! I'd LOVE to see people dressed as Pariswhore, ragging on her......would be FAB! Even better, if someone would just punch Paris in the mouth on camera..and shut that damn whore up once and for all
sadly it might not make her shut-up...but give her even more publicity...then she would sue the person(evidence on tape), and she would get even more money. What a sad world we live in...but uhhh..I guess one can dream of such things.I hope she kills herself soon...or gets killed(only problem is that if she got killed would she go down in history as something....god forbid an icon? that would make me sick..we don't need a billion auto biographys on her, and movies of her life, ect.)
Fuck the high road, that is brilliant. Paris doesn't know that a high road exsists and I am certain that being the bigger person when it comes to her gets boring. I am sure they probably just want to bitch slap and this is something that she will possibly understand...
I hope that is true! I'd LOVE to see people dressed as Pariswhore, ragging on her......would be FAB! Even better, if someone would just punch Paris in the mouth on camera..and shut that damn whore up once and for all