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Fans of Britney Spears have started a website to encourage the pop princess to divorce Kevin Federline.The site is running a contest for fans to pick the exact date of the couple's divorce. The prizes for picking the correct date include two cans of Colt 45 and a used wifebeater. I hope there are some rules banning K-Fed from entering in the contest......... those prizes are going to be awfully tempting for him. Looks like Kevin waved his magic penis at Britney over the weekend and tada....look what toy reappeared in their driveway.
come now...do we really need the problems of our Brits and Kfed to drink...poor excuse Darling. Anyway, I wish them a season of breakup and make-ups. Really, most of us here are so easily entertained
What kills me is that Kevin is going to put Britney in the poorhouse if she stays married to him. It's only a matter of time until he starts bringing strange women into the house when Britney starts touring again. Imagine her surprise when she comes home and finds a strange pair of panties (not hers) in the wash? Kevin is a piece of shit and Britney knows it, but, I guess she's trying to keep up appearances.
yuck, yuck, yuck! he makes me want to start drinking again......