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Umm hi idiots.... pregnant women do not ice skate. I'm pretty sure that along with cigarettes and alcohol, doctors don't recommend that it's a good idea to bust out figure 8's on the rink. I've never been pregnant before so maybe I don't fucking know what I'm talking about but whatever welcome to Planet Cruise. Honey hike your pillow up a bit.
I've been pregnant twice...I would never have been able to lace up, let alone keep my balance, at that stage in the game. I think they're just STUPID and have fake brains.
...crack is wack...there dumb...and katie is holding an alien baby...yeah it's true. I hope she fell and killed it...we really don't need any more morons in the world....that thing is going to grow up very fucked up...(You kow you wouldn't be suprised if it was really the anti-christ that popped out of her...the spawn of satan). geeeeez...why do morons have to breed?? Doesn't he already have like a billion kids already? He needs to get castrated....STAT. Then put into a ward for the rest of his life...I guess the girl should be put in a ward with him also...then they can spend the rest of there days living off of medication(force fed...since tom is agenst medication...which he clearly needs). That would be wonderful...I say we kill the baby though...unless it already is dead...
I'd like to point out that if Tom Cruise finally knocked up a girl, he'd probably be insanely protective of his heir-to-be. Ice skating doesn't jive with that.
Katie dosen't seem to be all there to begin with. between this and tom doing at home ultrasounds, i feel bad for this little kiddo. wait till katie finds out about Scientology's tradition of "silent births".....
Are these the only pictures of them ? It doesn't even really look like either one of them ...especially her. And if it is them, what is it with him showing her belly to everyone..what an egotistic jerk !! Pictures of things to come...she better get used to being his showcase along with their (?) child...I feel sorry for everyone involved.
It's not like their actually doing much to endanger Mars Attack (the name of their unbord alien-child btw) She probably has someone to lace up her skates for her and then she can stand around pretending to be happy while someone takes shots and 5 mins later someone unlaces and removes her skates and probably gives her a foot massage too.
ballerinamommy...there is a difference. See in the "nuthouse" they give you medication...in "the church of scientology"..they think medication is the devil...and if you have hardcore medical depreshion(aka:every day is a like living in hell)...they hope you kill yourself, because they think medication is the devil. So thats why it would be Ssweeeet if they ended up in the "nuthouse" because they would be force fed medicaion...which they need because there out of there minds...and clearly need medication.
i think she is really pregnant. she is gaining weight in all the right places & she is far long enough in the pregnancy where even if she fell on the ice the baby is very well cushioned inside. its not as delicate as in the 1st trimester. that being said i dont think the baby is tom's baby & i dont katie is playing with a full deck.
they are dumb. dumb with a capital D. Yes, go ice skating and fall on your ass and screw up your un-born alien's brain. I hate them.