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wtf! so chanel is using her? lohan is the farthest thing from a classy broad; i am disappointed in chanel. i could see nicole kidman, i.e. those no.5 commercials, but if theyre looking to add young life to their marketing, ashley olsen would have even been a better choice. yes i stick by that; lohan is long island trash.
Sad but apparantly true on the Chanel front sander.
More bad news for Kate thou. Druggie ex-boyfriend Pete D. not only has threatened to write a tell all about their relationship, several British tabloids have printed stories saying Pete's drug dealing best friend has recently been diagnoised with HIV.
He is urging Pete to get tested. He says although they never shared needles, they often kept their needles stacked on top of each other and they could have been contaminated.
I wish I could feel more sorry for Kate, but anyone who stays with a boyfriend who is known to have had unprotected sex with strangers in public restrooms (while they were together) had to know what she was in for.
Considering how many people Kate has slept with, this could really be something if Pete turns up positive. The saga continues.
who is the guy in the background? he looks stunned. actually, he looks like a statue. is he just stunned at seeing kate and lindsay? actually this is a weird pictue, note kate's pose going outside, like she's determined and setting out on a journey, the stunned guy in the back...actually lindsay's the only normal-looking one!
ROFL!! Hah! That's a great one kelditty!, and so much truth to it.
Those flaky designers keep trading off one coke head for another. Kate must really be pissed off at the hypocracy of it all!
Lohan for Chanel now??? Gawd, she would be a stretch for Guess jeans, let alone Chanel, and Sienna is grabbing Kate's Burberry contract...?
And doing this is to "improve" their image???? Right.