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Don't cry too hard, but Kelditty has a business trip for the real job and won't be back to poop out gossip till Friday morning. Since everyone in Hollywood pretty much broke off their engagement or got a divorce last week, I don't think anyone is going to miss anything. Kisses Bitches! Well maybe it's not really a business trip....................Jessica Simpson hooked me up with her plastic surgeon and I'm getting a discount.
She looks like she just escaped from the psych ward, ran wild through the streets and stole an elderly man's shirt from a backyard clothesline to swathe her lunatic body in.
Bizzare!!!Jessica is begining to look like Hilary Swank, but with not as nice a nose. Why do they do this to themselves??
Oh, have a good biz trip kelditty, appreciate your countless hrs. on the blog (for our sake) sob. Really nice of you!