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Is all of that hair really hair extensions? It's kinda a sad, and creepy thought to know you are wearing some poor, underpriviledged woman's hair on your head. She probably sold her hair to feed her kids or something.
Makes you wonder what other body parts might be on the market in the future, for the rich, and self absorbed. Frankly I don't even want to go there.
Hey, you can't really blame 10:53, Mishca doesn't have her 'Kaeto Katlin like' boyfriend with her in this pic. AND she is actually dressed somewhat (wait for it...) "conservatively".
No Rollings Stones, or Motley Crue T-shirt, with tattered jeans. And well, no druggie looking boyfriend really cleans her look up alot.
It looks like a strong gust of wind could blow her wig off her head. If she's going to wear a wig, she should go for one of those long, black wigs that Elvia wears for Holloween.
Then she could match her creepy boyfriend, and maybe get some candy at the same time.
Is all of that hair really hair extensions? It's kinda a sad, and creepy thought to know you are wearing some poor, underpriviledged woman's hair on your head. She probably sold her hair to feed her kids or something.
Makes you wonder what other body parts might be on the market in the future, for the rich, and self absorbed. Frankly I don't even want to go there.