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Newspapers in London are reporting that Sienna Miller will replace Kate Moss as the face of Burberry. Moss was dropped from their campaign because of her drug problems. I don't think the Burberry people should assume Sienna doesn't use drugs.........she's back with that idiot Jude Law isn't she? You would have to give me crack by the boat load to get back with him. Tuesdays must be makeup sex day.
Sorry, drug addict or not, Sienna is NO Kate Moss. She got this by de-fault. She is pretty, but her fame is basicly due to her association w/Jude, and all the scandal surrounding them.
Ironicly, she is hardly clean. Ted Cassablanca from E! Entertainment has mentioned her coke habit on his gossip thread. There has been 'hints' about her coke habit for quite a while as well, and how Jude is upset about it. (could explain the paparrazi attacks!)
God I love this shit. This couple is so entertaining, I'm sorry. I feel like sending them a Christmas card. Lastest news on the pair had Sienna forbiding Jude to take the new nanny on his safari holiday, with ex-wife Sadie, and the kids.
Although new nanny; "Neena" is a homely 50 something Polish woman, her daughter is apparantly a knockout, and serves as a second nanny. I gotta feel for Sienna on this one! Being afraid your boyfriend is going to shag the nanny again is a hell of a way to live. No wonder she needs the drugs!
She really has to have attention from men all of the time. I can understand that she wanted to get back at Jude so she screws his best bud Daniel Craig- but that's raw. But then she's always running off to hang on Leo DeCaprio, then Health Ledger, then DeCaprio again. But she still LOVES JUDE. Sick of this sick shit. Shove off already!
Hey, give the girl a break. Look how much harder she has to work to keep herself in the news. All the other coke bitches like Lohan have to do is show up at a gas station.
LOL!! So true, kelditty, so true!
Sorry, drug addict or not, Sienna is NO Kate Moss. She got this by de-fault. She is pretty, but her fame is basicly due to her association w/Jude, and all the scandal surrounding them.
Ironicly, she is hardly clean. Ted Cassablanca from E! Entertainment has mentioned her coke habit on his gossip thread. There has been 'hints' about her coke habit for quite a while as well, and how Jude is upset about it. (could explain the paparrazi attacks!)
Trading one coke snorter for another! Priceless!