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Dude I wish I had Kevin Federline's life. Expensive cars, rolex watches, pricey wifebeaters..........oh and don't forget having a zillion kids and still getting to go out to the clubs every single night. Yo man here's a fifty'. If my wife calls tell her I'm not here. I wonder how many girls numbers he'll get in that outfit? Heidi Klum just had a baby. I bet her husband Seal is going to the clubs all the time too.
Bet he's never changed one of Sean's diapers. Then again, Britney probably hasn't, either. Can't imagine her getting the poo on her hands. Oh, wait, yes I can, she's touched K-Fed, poo is a step up!
Get that fucking thing off your ugly-ass head, you fucking trashy piece of shit. And clean yourself up a little. Ever heard of a shower, loser? You could almost be hot. Almost.
he is a disaster