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This week must be "National Bad Outfit Week" because the shit is flowing faster then a beer tap at Tara Reid's house. I believe I discussed these two yesterday. As Whitney Houston would say "That's a Hell to the NO!" It's so hot yet slightly cold outside. Hey I got an idea! Let's blindfold each other before we get dressed and pick out are clothing by the feel of it. Yeah yeah let's do it! I like the trim on the dress because when you unwind it, it doubles as a net to trap fish in the ocean. Congrats to Sienna, who got the lead part in Fiddler on the Roof. Wait... no.... she'll be playing Wendy in Peter Pan. No....I bet she's going to be one of Santa's elves this year. Jude's getting coal in his stocking fo' sure. Pictures pilfered from numerous blogs including Conversations with Famous People, Junk Feud, and crap I don't remember.....I'll think of it later.
all this blogs have the same pictures!!! lame.