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That would be neck "ROLLS", unless her neck has a part in a movie...THAT is what a "ROLE" is.......I know you don't want to sound like an idiot- you really need to watch the spelling.
okay clearly you missed the humor in my post. I spelled it "roles" instead of "rolls" kinda like her neck is a "role model" but apparently it didn't turn out to be as funny as I thought it would be. i always try to make my titles a little different. i mispell alot but I don't think I would mispell that.
All I can say is I mistakenly watched her dumbass show and she looks totally retarded and holy fuck what is up with her neck??????? how can she think she looks good with such a neck rolls like that????? all that money please fix it but then again this whore is FAT I get it now baby phat = baby FAT and when something or someone is GHETTO it means it is not FABULOUS WTF? ghetto and fabulous don't go together KIMORA IS FUCKING UGLY
That would be neck "ROLLS", unless her neck has a part in a movie...THAT is what a "ROLE" is.......I know you don't want to sound like an idiot- you really need to watch the spelling.