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yeah about as cute as std's anorexia,bleached hair,fake tans,bleached teeth,fake nales,make-up,bulimia, and bitchyness,lost identity, college sorority,fake personality,whore,superficial,brainwashing, brainless,ego-centric,anti-feminist,bullshit...
she's a perfect rolemodel, just great for geration-X.
yeah who needs people with brains anyways?..
geeez..it's not like women need them or anything...
'The Real World is real lame.' And the blog author actually sees any of the real world? I fucking doubt that. Spending so much of your time on such a futile and noxious pastime as berating other people who just happen to be so called fucking 'celebrity' arseholes. Hmm any idea what that makes you? The real world you aint. Loser.
LOL 2:11. and watching the real world isnt a futile and noxious pastime. and if this blog is a futile and noxious pastime, you reading it is a futile and noxious pastime, plus, you reading it is just putting money into the bloggers pocket from blogads. the people we love to hate, u aint. loser. ohhhhh, snap!
Just my opinion...I love this site cause it's funny.
And I love the real word and think the ana girl is actually going to help other anas THINK about how, if "thinner is better" she's not even noticed by the guys (well, at least that's shown) and the girl with curves is the one everyone's after, even though she's annoying as all hell.
And don't diss the fucking person with this site. You look like a jackass cause you're wasting your time by reading this so-called lame hobby. Har har har.
What I think is lame is when people try to tell other people they're idiots for liking a show. If you think it's lame then say so, but don't put people down for liking it. Personally I love Svetlana. Paula really DOES need a protein shake.
she looks cute