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Brit, did Proactiv stop sending you the monthly kit? 'Cause I think you need to call them up and order some more. You used to do commercials for them, right? Maybe they'll give you a discount. Girrrl you need it.
Oh come on, you delusional souls! This is what motherhood looks like. It's hard to even think "sexy" when you have an infant sucking on your tits all day!
Motherhood does NOT look like this. She doesn't have to look like complete and utter garbage. It's okay for her to look like a mom. At least I know my mom never looked like she was dragged five miles from the back of a bus with her face to the pavement.
I've never really liked her but I do feel sorry for her right now. Ok, wait, that's a lie...I feel sorry for the poor kid. Being a mom doesn't mean you should neglect yourself, especially when she has nannys, personal assistants, housekeepers etc to help her out.
actually you all are just exaggerating..most people on the streets look like that! Look at the woman behind her! And you all sure know Britney well..well enough to know if she breastfeeds her baby?
...Now open wide...and that's one bite for baby and one for Mommy! Two for baby, and one, two for Mommy! Three for baby and one, two, three for Mommy!...
My Sweet LORD! Why does she even bother putting on earrings and a necklace to adorn THIS look.