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Maybe Angelina doesn't win everything. Jennifer Aniston has been voted the celebrity that most women would like to look like. Angelina did not get any votes.........but she won Brad Pitt so who gives a crap about this poll. If thats a wedding dress then someone needs a refund
Ok, so there's no way Aniston is hotter than Jolie. She's a fox, don't get me wrong, but Jolie just EXUDES sex. She's built for it. Look at those lips! Grrrr baby yeah!
That vote poll was Taken in UK, and Angelina’s name was not on the list, so how could she win?. They had Jen’s name and some other famous British actress’s named. Duhhhh Jen will win when Angie is not there.
What planet was that magazine from? and who voted? Certainly not me. I bet it was all jennifer aniston who voted. Yeah right...wanna look like jennifer aniston? or wanna look like angelina? like its a hard choice. Aniston is not pretty, come on.
what a joke -- NO WAY Aniston would beat Jolie in a Looks poll! Get real!!! Aniston is a plain girl with lots of money who has a nakeup artist on hand at all times-- also have you ever noticed how she NEVER puts her hair up b/c she doesn't want you to see her face.
Ok, so there's no way Aniston is hotter than Jolie. She's a fox, don't get me wrong, but Jolie just EXUDES sex. She's built for it. Look at those lips! Grrrr baby yeah!