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She said she wanted her privacy, right? Then why the hell is she posing naked and pregnant? That's real private... Does she think we're stupid? Everyone saw the Matt Lauer interview- we know that there is no way to lose 50 pounds in two weeks. What next? Running for Ms. Trailer Park America?
It looks like she's sitting on the toilet. There should be a roll of toilet paper and a magazine in the pic, too. Oh, and I agree with anon 10:13. Other than maybe the dad, nobody wants to see a pregnant woman naked, or attempting to be ''sexy''. Fat is fat, pregnant or not.
Oh hell all those celebrities are airbrushed to death. I've seen Angelina Jolie in person and let me tell you she's no prize up close either yet those airbrushed pics of her make her look flawless, which she's far from. They don't look any better than the rest of us unless you're Charlize Theron, who looks fucking gorgeous in her natural state.
Now, leave her alone ya'll. She just wants her privacy!!